Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: October 31. An Observation.

Lex Anteinternet: October 31. An Observation.

October 31. An Observation.

Today is Halloween.

It's also Reformation Day.

Everyone sort of knows what Halloween is, although in its extremely secularized form.  It's become so popular in that style that its now the second most popular holiday in the US, and you don't even get the da off from work or school.

Originally, and in Catholic and Orthodox Churches, it was All Hallowed Evening, the day before All Saints Day, which in the Catholic Church is a Holy Day of Obligation.   There are some debates about it, but the secular traditions that are observed stem from Celtic cultures of Great Britain in a much modified form.  The door to door trick or treating stems from a religious tradition in which the poor went door to door for food and were given it.

Reformation Day is a day not much observed in North America commemorating Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the Cathedral door at Worms, which he actually didn't do.  The legend was that he did it on this day.  No matter, he did get the rebellion of the reformation going, and with it the concept that people can make up their own minds on anything, no matter how ill informed they are.  Luther was fairly well informed on some things, but that was the unintentional result of his act of rebellion.  

At the time of his 95 Theses, he hadn't intended a rebellion at all, but he worked his way sort of around to it.  It'd be interesting to know what he thought he'd done by the time of his death, but one thing he knew is that he'd caused others with more radical ideas than his to also break away and create their own Christian sects.

Many of those new denominations have considerably changed over the years.  Some of the Lutherans, who followed Luther, often with no choice due to their localities, have become almost more Catholic than the Catholics, while others have gone in another direction.  The Reformation, at any rate, is winding down,and its really collapsing.

With its collapse has come the mess of contemporary culture, much of which we seeing being fought out in the United States right now, which is a Protestant country.  The massive secularization is a minor example of that, but is evident in all of our religion derived holidays, including this one, but also including Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The last acts of rebellion were those against nature, which we also see playing out doay.  They began in the late 1940s and came into full bloom in the 1960s, and are still enormously playing out today.  Part of that has been the acceptance of rebelling against truth, which we see in the current election in more than one way, and in both political parties, although certainly Donald Trump has manifested it in a heretofore unseen level.

So its Reformation Day and Halloween in 2024.  Lots of tricks on the culture are being played, and not too many treats being received.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: The Obituary

Lex Anteinternet: The Obituary

The Obituary

Mira qué bonita era by Julio Romero de Torres, 1895.  Depiction of a wake in Spain.

I didn't have him as a teacher in high school, but I certainly knew of him.1  Somehow or another, I also knew that a student that was in school with us, and who my cousins knew, was not only his daughter, but also one of his students.  Apparently that was awkward. 

I don't do a good job of keeping track of former teachers.  I probably couldn't tell you where a single one of them was, even the ones I really liked, let alone those I only sort of knew by association.  In his case, there was our classmate, whom I also didn't know (she was a couple of years ahead of me), but he was also known to our parents.  Without knowing for sure, in looking at it, I think that must have been because he was from a Catholic family here in town.

My classmate died the year before last.  She was 62.

I read his obituary as he was so well known locally.  And then I recalled there were bits and pieces of his story I'd picked up over the years.

His wife was also a teacher.

Sometime after I left high school, the couple apparently civilly divorced.2   He remarried, and apparently to an apparently significantly younger women whom I take was also a teacher.  According to the obit, they had a child after he retired, who would now be about 31.  He would have been about 56 when she was born.  I can dimly recall my parents and my father's siblings talking about this as well, mostly in a somewhat bemused manner, given the difficulties of raising an infant, in their view, when you are that old.

When my classmate died, her mother was mentioned in the obituary.  Indeed, her obituary characterizes both of her parents as loving, and contains praise of them.

His obituary mentioned both of his daughters by his first marriage, and then goes on about his second.  His wife, the mother of my classmate, isn't mentioned at all.  The obituary is profuse on his latter "marriage", calling that individual, named in the obituary, the "love of his life" amongst other things.

Of course, the dead don't write their obituaries.  If they did, who knows how they'd read?  We might all fear how they'd be penned.  I've read plenty where a "first" and "second" spouse are mentioned.  This one is profuse on his love of one woman that he had children by and which the civil law would regard as his wife, but totally silent as to his wife who was the mother of my classmate. My classmate's obituary mentions her, and kindly, using the Americanism "step" to describe her as her "stepmother", which is polite, but the second "wife" of a divorced person isn't anything, relationship wise, to a child of the "first" marriage at all.3    Children, of a later marriage of any kind are, of course, as they're related by blood, i.e., genetically. Of course, children born out of wedlock to an illicit partner, to which I am in no way comparing this situation other than to note it, are "half" siblings as well.4 

It must be a later child of the second union that wrote the obituary, as it concluded with the funeral details, those being an apparently civil funeral, followed by an "Irish wake", the latter something not really understood by Americans.  A real wake comes before, not after, the ceremony, and the body of the deceased is present. Indeed, the body is key to the wake, and the dead's family and friends do not allow the body to be left alone.  Prayer for the dead is a feature of it, but there is also food and drink and even courting, which in part has to do with the fact that life goes on, but in part because in more natural societies people live much closer to death than they do in our false one.

Everywhere, real wakes have much diminished.5

But then, so has our understanding of, and appreciation of the metaphysical and the existential, and as most people do not dwell deeply on those topics, and the culture has drifted many of those who drift with it bear no fault for having done so.

There's no Irish wakes without prayer, the deceased, and a sense of the next world having stepped into this one.  In our age, however, we expect this world and how we define it to step into the next one.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion,

et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.

Exaudi orationem meam,

ad te omnis caro veniet.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.6


1.  In no small part because he was a well put together athletic man who drew hall monitor duty, but didn't seem to care for it much.  Indeed, if you went by him in the hall, when he had it, he didn't bother to ask you where you were going.

2.  I'll admit that this entry disregards the topic of Catholic annulment. Did they obtain one?  No idea.

To add to that, do I know anything whatsoever about the circumstances of their "divorce" and what brought it about, including who brought it about.  No I don't.

3.  The etymology of the prefix "step" goes back to the 8th Century and denoted an orphan.  It was later extended in Old English to connote a remarriage of a widow.

Some "step" parents, it might be noted, particularly in the case of an early death of an actual parent, or an abandonment by one of them, really step up to the plate and become effectively de facto parents.

The Pogues song Body of an American gives a good description of Irish wakes and how they can be.  The movie Road To Perdition, however, gives a very good depiction of a traditional wake, complete with the body iced.

4.  Again, as the fraud of civil divorce is so widely recognized as real in the Western World, I am in no way comparing the children of illicit affairs to the children of later contracted civil marriages.

5.  I've been to a real wake once, for a deceased second cousin, and it was horrific.  My father, who was 1/2 Irish, and 1/2 Westphalian by descent, but whose family did not retain any Irish customs, detested them.

6.       Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord,

and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Thou art worthy to praised, O God, in Zion,

and to thee shall prayer be offered in Jerusalem.

Hear my prayer,

for to thee shall all flesh come.

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord,

and let light perpetual shine upon them.

 Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Rich Men North of Richmond, Part I. Resisting the "signs and wonders" and completely missing what's gong on.

Lex Anteinternet: Rich Men North of Richmond, Part I. Resisting the...

Rich Men North of Richmond, Part I. Resisting the "signs and wonders" and completely missing what's gong on.

Rich Men North of Richmond, which is independently produced, I think, had made a big Internet and music scene splash, and frankly, not because it's good.

It is, as of this writing, on Billboard's Hot 100.

The ballad is played by Oliver Anthony, a genuine blue collar Virginian, apparently.  All of his music videos seem to be filmed in a heavily wooded lot, which also appears to be genuine, although the rural South provides a certain cache in country music to such an extent that a Canadian band has even affected it, calling itself The Dead South.  All of Anthony's music is played on a Resonator Guitar, a type of guitar I normally call a Dobro.  I associate resonated guitars with the blues, not with country music, so this is a bit odd in and of itself.

How I imagine a guitar with a resonator properly being used.

Fans have gushed on the "return" of "real" or "authentic" country music, and this may indeed be the first genuine example of authentic country music to become a big hit in decades.  Even 1st Lt. Austin von Letkemann, the author (host? mc?) of the wickedly funny Army satire series Mandatory Fun Day mentioned it the other day, as a real fan, citing Colter Wall at the same time.  Wall is authentic, that's for sure, but in a different genre, genuine Western, i.e., cowboy, music.

But I don't think it's the music that boosted Anthony's song to the top of the C&W charts.  It's the content.  Consider the lyrics:
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
Rich Man North of Richmond, it might be noted, comes hard on the heels of In A Small Town, by Jason Aldean.  

Consider its lyrics:
Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they're gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck
Try that in a small town 
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
If you're looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
Aldean, I'd note, isn't from a small town.  He's' from Macon, Georgia, population 150,000 or so, so it's a mid-sized city.  And In A Small Town isn't real country, but rather country and enjoyed the same popularity.

Both of these songs immediately became populist anthems.  So much so that none other than liberal economist Robert Reich, whom this blog has an obvious love/hate relationship, just posted on the song, with frankly a typically disappointing analysis.
Reich offers his view, but he's wrong on what's going on here, at least in part, and certainly wrong on the fix.  Like other left wing economists in the United States, Reich is a corporate capitalist, which is also what all the right wing economists are. Reich correctly believes that the system has gone wonky to the detriment of the working class (whatever the current working class may be), but he fails to grasp, as nearly every economist in the United States and perhaps the Western World, or maybe even the planet, that the economy is supposed to serve average lives and average lives come first.  I.e., it's 1) my life and;  2) I need to work.  Not I'm a worker in a glorious worker's state and work will exalt me, or I'm a consumer in a glorious consumption state and consumption will exalt me, which are effectively the flip side of corporate capitalism.

So what's going on here?

Well, the economy isn't serving people's lives, and that's because corporate capitalism doesn't.  Neither right nor left economists get it.  For that matter, left wing politicos, as exhibited by Reich's writings, particularly don't get it.

Reich is one of the people who keep interpreting this stuff from solely an economic prospective, while simultaneously, and increasingly from a bigoted prospective, issuing warnings about "Christian Nationalism", which actually isn't a movement this is part of at all.  Southern Cultural Christianity is, but that's completely different, and indeed largely leans on a different branch of Christianity (the same people who go to Trump rallies and find him to be a fine Christian probably think Constantine the Great ripped the faith away from the Baptists, or something).

Constantine the Great watching the burning of the books of Arian heretics.  Constantine would likely regard most MAGA Christians as appalling on religions grounds, while he'd recognize Christian Nationalist.  He can't be considered one, however.  He's regarded as a saint by the Easter Orthodox and the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

You can get a taste of what's actually up with these songs from the comments to Rich Men North of Richmond on Youtube.
1.  39 years old. Spent 12 1/2 years as a plumber until the small company I worked for went under as the pandemic began. Working for a big chain home store for the last 3 years getting beaten into the ground, treated like a disposable asset, and watching my earnings equal less and less as the prices of basic necessities goes up. Ive fought addiction and won. Ive found love and lost it. This song resonates on a level that I havent felt in a long time. Thank you and god bless. 🙏

2.  As a disabled Marine, struggling to even be in public, struggling with all the bullshit in this world, struggling with thoughts of suicide, struggling to find pride in my Country, struggling to find the strength to get up every day to do the same damn thing to barely make ends me… as an American STRUGGLING with LIFE… thank you for bringing a little hope to my small part of the world… thank you for letting me know I am not alone with my thoughts and feelings… THANK YOU and God bless you Oliver Anthony

3.  I’m a 42 year old ex addict living in a camper trailer pay cheque to pay cheque with my kids part time while working to help the homeless and addicted community. I won’t stop working like the rest of you because we know at some point that one day will come that we may get that one break that shows us it was all worth it. 

Amazing song Oliver, thank you for sharing it

4.  As a hard working black American man, this song is 🔥 📛  the first country song on my Playlist and I hope for more. In an Era where soul is gone from music THIS IS A BREATH OF MUCH NEEDED AIR. even put a tear in my eye 🔥

5.  And just like that you became the voice of 40 or 50 million working men. Amazing work, sir.

And there are a lot more.

Let's break down the lyrics again, emphasizing the ones that are telling.

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

 Okay, some of that, like Mr. Reich notes, is economic, but a lot of it isn't. The protagonist notes:

1.  He has "an old soul".

2.  The rich men he complains about want total control, even over what he thinks.

3.  He complains about the Jeffrey Epstein saga, but more in an allegorical way than a specific way, suggesting that politicians are more concerned with their immoral pursuits than the lives of average working people.

4.  He takes a shot at the welfare poor, and unusually, notes fat ones (hardly anyone does that in contemporary America).

Hmmmm. . . Doesn't seem to be all economic. . .

There's a common liberal belief, and Reich is one of those espousing it, that if only the economy is good, everyone is happy.  Reich is one of those who goes on to point out, and correctly, that the economy really is good right now.  One who also does this nearly weekly is Donna Brazile, who is a Democratic political commentator I really like.

Nobody is saying the economy is perfect, of course, including Reich or Brazile.

But there's something they've noted, that they are missing.

If the economy is really good, and in actuality it is, and a large section of the middle class (and contrary to what pudits claim, its definately not all the "white male" middle class) are bitterly unhappy, what's going on.

The usual assertion is that the economy is doing well, but people just don't know it, which is a bit of a bizarre assertion.  People tend to know if they're doing well or not, which raises this question, with unemployment down, wages up, and inflation slowing, are people doing well?

Well, they might not actually be, and COVID may have made that plain to them.

One thing that's underlying the tone of the song is the economic shift in the nature of work since about 1970.

Well, the economy isn't serving people's lives, and that's because corporate capitalism doesn't.  Neither right nor left economists get it.  For that matter, left wing politicos, as exhibited by Reich's writings, particularly don't get it.

Reich is one of the people who keep interpreting this stuff from solely an economic prospective, while simultaneously, and increasingly from a bigoted prospective, issuing warnings about "Christian Nationalism", which actually isn't a movement this is part of at all.  Southern Cultural Christianity is, but that's completely different, and indeed largely leans on a different branch of Christianity (the same people who go to Trump rallies and find him to be a fine Christian probably think Constantine the Great ripped the faith away from the Baptists, or something).

Constantine the Great watching the burning of the books of Arian heretics.  Constantine would likely regard most MAGA Christians as appalling on religions grounds, while he'd recognize Christian Nationalist.  He can't be considered one, however.  He's regarded as a saint by the Easter Orthodox and the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

You can get a taste of what's actually up with these songs from the comments to Rich Men North of Richmond on Youtube.
1.  39 years old. Spent 12 1/2 years as a plumber until the small company I worked for went under as the pandemic began. Working for a big chain home store for the last 3 years getting beaten into the ground, treated like a disposable asset, and watching my earnings equal less and less as the prices of basic necessities goes up. Ive fought addiction and won. Ive found love and lost it. This song resonates on a level that I havent felt in a long time. Thank you and god bless. 🙏

2.  As a disabled Marine, struggling to even be in public, struggling with all the bullshit in this world, struggling with thoughts of suicide, struggling to find pride in my Country, struggling to find the strength to get up every day to do the same damn thing to barely make ends me… as an American STRUGGLING with LIFE… thank you for bringing a little hope to my small part of the world… thank you for letting me know I am not alone with my thoughts and feelings… THANK YOU and God bless you Oliver Anthony

3.  I’m a 42 year old ex addict living in a camper trailer pay cheque to pay cheque with my kids part time while working to help the homeless and addicted community. I won’t stop working like the rest of you because we know at some point that one day will come that we may get that one break that shows us it was all worth it. 

Amazing song Oliver, thank you for sharing it

4.  As a hard working black American man, this song is 🔥 📛  the first country song on my Playlist and I hope for more. In an Era where soul is gone from music THIS IS A BREATH OF MUCH NEEDED AIR. even put a tear in my eye 🔥

5.  And just like that you became the voice of 40 or 50 million working men. Amazing work, sir.

And there are a lot more.

Let's break down the lyrics again, emphasizing the ones that are telling.

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

 Okay, some of that, like Mr. Reich notes, is economic, but a lot of it isn't. The protagonist notes:

1.  He has "an old soul".

2.  The rich men he complains about want total control, even over what he thinks.

3.  He complains about the Jeffrey Epstein saga, but more in an allegorical way than a specific way, suggesting that politicians are more concerned with their immoral pursuits than the lives of average working people.

4.  He takes a shot at the welfare poor, and unusually, notes fat ones (hardly anyone does that in contemporary America).

Hmmmm. . . Doesn't seem to be all economic. . .

There's a common liberal belief, and Reich is one of those espousing it, that if only the economy is good, everyone is happy.  Reich is one of those who goes on to point out, and correctly, that the economy really is good right now.  One who also does this nearly weekly is Donna Brazile, who is a Democratic political commentator I really like.

Nobody is saying the economy is perfect, of course, including Reich or Brazile.

But there's something they've noted, that they are missing.

If the economy is really good, and in actuality it is, and a large section of the middle class (and contrary to what pundits claim, it's definitely not all the "white male" middle class) are bitterly unhappy, what's going on.

The usual assertion is that the economy is doing well, but people just don't know it, which is a bit of a bizarre assertion.  People tend to know if they're doing well or not, which raises this question, with unemployment down, wages up, and inflation slowing, are people doing well?

Well, they might not actually be, and COVID may have made that plain to them.

One thing that's underlying the tone of the song is the economic shift in the nature of work since about 1970.

A meme version of the economics of the 1950s. . . dealing with more than economics.  This depiction of the 50s drives commentators nuts, who decry it as a myth, but there's more than a little truth to it, both in what it states, and in what it otherwise depicts.  

Americans tend to look back to the 1950s as some sort of golden age, and have a really mythologized view of the era.  Be that as it may, in the 50s, most men could in fact support a family on their income alone, and not just from white collar jobs but from blue collar jobs.  Not only could most men do it, but most men did do it.  As late as the 1970s, a lot of husbands actually objected to their wives working, whereas now most married women not only do work, but must work.  Perhaps an error in here, however, is that in the 50s that a lot of people were going to college.  In reality, in 1950 only 7.3% of men had a college degree and only 5.2% of women did, which by 1960 was 10.3% and 6% respectively.  This means, however, that a university degree was like gold.  Of interest, both of my mother's parents had university degrees, which is phenomenal given that they obtained them in the early 20th Century.  Neither of my father's parents did.  Also of note, my mother had a college degree, an AS, but she obtained in the 1970s and was not a high school graduate due to the Great Depression, where has my father had a DDS and his brother and one of his sisters attended university in the 1940s/1950s.

The 50s through the early 1970s really reflect post World War Two conditions, however, and might not be the best era to look at.  The 40s can't be looked at either, due to World War Two, nor can the 30s, due to the Great Depression.  You really have to get back to the 10s and 20s for economies to compare to, with some comparison from later decades.  Any way you look at it, however, a lot more families were supported from a single, usually male, income, but it was also the case that a lot more women always worked than is recognized.

Myths have power, however, and they also reflect aspects of reality as a rule.  Beowulf may not have slain a dragon in Sweden, but a warrior named Bear (Bee Wolf) probably was an early Scandinavia warrior vassal of note.  There really was a big battle at Troy, and it probably did start off as a totally juvenile spat over a girl that somebody regarded as a babe, although it's likely there was more to it than that.  Arthur wasn't a chivalric knight, but somebody the legend was based on, probably was a British Roman who did take on the invading Teutons in defense of Roman Britain heroically before going down on a battlefield.  There was indeed an era, not long ago, when a high school education could bring a person a living wage for not only the graduate, but a spouse and kids, and provide a middle income life.

And there was also a time during which, as harsh as the reality is, that you weren't in grocery store lines behind people who are paying for food with assistance, but who had money for tattoos, and who have suspended any regard for their personal appearance.

This is all obvious to people who are barely eeking by, but who know that their grandparents, with no more education than they have, did relatively well.

To add to it, although only subtly grasped, people are also aware, even as they participate in it, that the country's become a moral sewer.  The problem, in a way, is not that Jeffrey Epstein is uncommon, but rather than he is common in a way.  Only the rich, of course, used him as a procurer for teenage prostitutes, but the entertainment industry is essentially a society wide procurer for cinematic prostitution that has become increasingly debased.

All that does involve wealth, but part of the underlying tone, and one that people like Reich can't seem to grasp, is that the American political left insists that it all conduct be accepted and each person's choices, no matter how self-destructive, anti-natural, debased, or weird, be celebrated.  People very well know that the entire movement to support surgical gender mutilation of children is wrong, for example, as well as deeply weird, but the left demands it be celebrated, just as it insists that what nearly amount to homosexual sex manuals be placed in public schools with public funds.  It is not that the standard bearers of the right are moral people.  Trump is a serial polygamist.  It's rather that there's a difference in promoting immorality and demanding that it be accepted and distancing policy from it, even if you engage in immorality yourself.  Double standards abound, but what the unhappy class is looking at doesn't seem to be grasped.  

Indeed, as the left repeatedly fails to grasp in regards to the that unhappy class, is that the class itself may not really apply the standards it mourns all that deeply, in regard to at least some of them.  Critics from the left, like Robert Reich, keep branding the movement "Christian Nationalist", as do some critics from the right, such as Susan Stubson.  They're both in correct.  Christian Nationalist take the practice of Christianity really seriously.  Southern Cultural Christian Populist, however, have a world roughly framed out by the Southern Baptist Convention, the pre-1970 Episcopal and Methodist Church's, or the African Methodist Church loosely in mind, but as a framework, not as a fortress.  Put another way, Christian Nationalist look to the Apostolic age and know what that meant, and aren't really comfortable completely with people who sit around watching NASCAR on Sundays.  Southern Cultural Christians are perfectly comfortable with watching NASCAR on Sundays and attend church for weddings, funerals, Easter and Christmas. They aren't the same thing.

But what both are uncomfortable with, but in different ways, is a liberalism that insists that genders can be changed, and there's nothing wrong with books in public schools that explore sodomy.  That exceeds the boundaries of the loosely defined structure for Southern Cultural Christians and is definitely gravely immoral to Christian Nationalists, as well as frankly gravely immoral to any Christians of any stripe who are serious about what their faiths hold.

In 2008, I stopped at the liquor store on my way home from work to buy a six-pack of beer.  It was late summer.

In the liquor store there were two young women, in their very early 20s, with a young man of the same age.  One of the young women was holding a baby.

The girl, and that's really what she was, holding the baby was pretty, but in a trashy sort of way, and in the way that you know won't last.  The other girl was not.  Both young women were wearing t-shirts that were too small for them, and too tight to be decent.  They were both wearing Daisy Dukes.  The young man was shaking and incredibly disheveled.  It was pretty clear that he was the father of the baby, equally clear that he and the young woman weren't married, and just as clear that he was a tweaker.

The pretty girl holding the baby had eyeliner and a proud visage, sort of like the pretty but trashy girls did back when I was in high school. They'd retained the eyeliner sort of make up that girls in junior high wore, back when I was in junior high, after girls of that age first started taking up makeup.  Most girls abandoned that by high school, but the ones that were of a certain type didn't.  That girl, the pretty one, was wearing an Obama for President t-shirt.  I knew at that moment, well before the election, who would win.

The image that was on the girl's t-shirt.  It wasn't "Hope" that they had a vested interest in.

Now, this isn't a comment on President Obama at all, but rather on something else, and that something else gets back to Rich Men North of Richmond.

The young man in that group is likely dead by now.  Tweaking in his early 20s, it's unlikely he survived another fifteen years.  The girl who the mother likely is, and if she was 21 then, she's 36 now.  She's also likely in the 300 lbs category the song referenced, the signs of that already being there.  And indeed, what she was supporting, and likely at least her female cohort, wasn't "hope", as Obama was espousing, it was government assistance.  The child, now 15, has probably spent his or her entire life on it.

And that, in some vague sort of way, is what Oliver Anthony is lamenting.  

All of these people likely descended from people who had held blue collar jobs.  But a modern society reconstructed in a liberal image had turned them into wards of the government in some ways, and they weren't ashamed of it.  Their attachment to any sort of conventional morality had lapsed, perhaps beyond repair, and they were reproducing without structure and raising a generation behind them, perhaps as they'd been raised, that recalls Philippians,  "Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things."  They didn't go on to be Megan Rapinoe, who would be just about their age, almost undoubtedly, but probably heavily tattooed, and living on the funds generated by others.

A large number of abandoned rust belt and other blue collar Americans are well aware of this, even if they aren't necessarily beyond some of the call of that themselves.

That's what liberal pundits are missing, and that's what populist, some sincere and some not, have picked up on.
El Paso Sheriff : What's it mean? What's it leadin' to? You know, if you'd have told me 20 years ago, that I'd see children walking the streets of our Texas towns with green hair and bones in their noses, I just flat-out wouldn't have believed you.

Ed Tom Bell : Signs and wonders. But I think once you quit hearing "sir" and "ma'am," the rest is soon to foller.

El Paso Sheriff : Oh, it's the tide. It's the dismal tide.

No Country For Old Men

And that's why their message is failing.

And for traditional conservatives, as, well as liberals, there may now be, by this time, something even scarier at work. . . 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: On Pride Month, the nature of Pride, and compellin...

Lex Anteinternet: On Pride Month, the nature of Pride, and compellin...

On Pride Month, the nature of Pride, and compelling opinions.

The men and women who, for good reasons and bad, revolt against the family, are, for good reasons and bad, simply revolting against mankind.

G. K. Chesterton, in ‘On Certain Modern Writers’. 

Von Max Liebermann - Eigenes Werk, Yelkrokoyade, aufgenommen 16. Juli 2015, 10:52:45, CC BY-SA 4.0,

This is "Pride Month".

I wasn't going to comment it at all, for a variety of reasons, part of which are cowardly.  But because that is in fact cowardly, I'm commenting on it now.

Indeed, the fact that I was disinclined to post on it shows something.  Over the span of fifteen or so years, roughly dating to the Obergefell decision to the present date, the nation went from agreeing to tolerate a small minority of people who exhibit was largely regarded as a deeply peculiar unnatural trait, to one in which that particular trait is now so mild in comparison to what is now forced upon the population that it doesn't even make the charts.  That is, no matter what you may think of it, same sex attraction, which has in no means ever reached the point where actual science has determined that its origins are not environmental and psychological, rather than organic, is now fully accepted, both culturally and by force, as dictated by nature, and we're now being forced to accept that surgically and chemically mutilating minors is health care.

If you don't agree with any aspect of that for any reason, you will be subject to open hostility and repression.  You will, moreover, be tagged something like "homophobic", a word which in strict translation means "afraid of man", but is supposed to imply fear of anything other than the biological norm in regard to sex even if, in reality, your actual view is that the science doesn't back something that only a tiny, but growing, number of mostly European culture people exhibit.  Indeed, only social science, and really only social science in North America and Europe, and nations heavily influenced by European culture, are of the view that any of this is normal.  The fact that European cultured people are of the view that this is now a culturally and scientifically settled question shows, therefore, an interesting retention of cultural colonialism that is no supposedly passé.  

That alone is an interesting example of the evolution, and decay, of Western Society.  We are now at the point where most of the real fundamentals of Western Society, including an appreciation of its intellectual history and the profound influence of Christianity upon it are abhorred in the benighted, enlightened, and well off classes, as a rule, but in regard to left wing theory, we are arrogant enough to demand it be accepted by the whole globe.

A lot of that decay set in eons ago, and indeed, as we noted the other day, the rot really started to set in on October 31, 1517, when a psychologically troubled misplaced Augustinian German monk determined that he knew better than anyone else on certain topics and struck a blow for radical individuality.  LGBTQIAP2S+? comes directly from that day, and from that individual, in part, although he'd no doubt be horrified, maybe, by the development.

Native Ameican students at Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Pennsylvania, c. 1900.

Pride Month is also an example of cultural colonialism.  It's highly akin to the late 18th, early 19th Century Reservation System pushed on Native Americans, which had the idea that Native Americans would become Protestant farmers.*  It didn't matter if they didn't want to become either, they were going to no matter what, and no matter what it took to get that result, right down to separating children from parents, was okay.

It's interesting to note that the widespread result instead was cultural destruction, crime and chemical dependency. . . all of which are on the rise in the wider culture now.

Quite a few Natives long attempted to keep on some aspect of the old life, and of course it was never fully given up, even to the present day.  But the element of force was attempted for a very long time.

Prime Month has that aspect.  No matter what your view on the scientific authenticity of the concept that young women on the spectrum can decide in their mid-teens that they want their boobs removed and to receive chemical injections, something that has Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom all now ban and which Norway is getting set to on the basis that it is not evidence based, you are going to have to socially choke it down.** It's better, society asserts, that you shut up and agree with what is contrary to nature and science and allow the mutilations to continue than to voice any opinion in opposition to it on any basis whatsoever.  

Custer, after all, was a hero, right?  He was putting those Indians back on the Reservation for their own good.

But what about the concept of "pride" itself?

Designating something a "month", if it receives some sort of official recognition, is a way of officially blessing what the declaration stands for.  It's not clear when it really got started, but in some ways it's both less than and more than declaring something to be a day.  I haven't researched what the first "month" in honor of something was, but it might be Black History Month, which had its origin in 1926 with an African American History Week.  Kent State proposed Black History Month in 1970, and it's grown since then.

Black History Month has to be regarded as fairly successful, although frankly its more of a way for educators to focus on the contributions of African Americans to American history than anything else, although official organs of the government recognize it.  Its success lead to Women's History Month, which is March.  Black History Month is February.  November became Native American History Month under President George Bush, which is also Aviation History Month.

The interesting thing of the focus of all of those months is their focus on history.  The thought was that the history of the group may have been forgotten or inaccurate, and this was a chance to redress it, although as Aviation History Month shows, this can devolve into a focus on what is a specialized topic or interest.  Over time, the latter has really taken hold.

For example, take January for the United States:

  • National Codependency Awareness Month
  • National Mentoring Month
  • National Healthy Weight Awareness Month 
  • Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
  • Stalking Awareness Month
  • Veganuary


"Pride Month" fits into the latter category, but its an attempt to recall the former.  In both instances, conceptually, its problematic.

Pride does not go before a fall. Pride is a fall, in the instant understanding of all the intelligent who see it.

G. K. Chesterton.

Pride itself is problematic.

The online Oxford Dictionary defines pride as follows:

  1. a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
    "the team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory"
    sense of achievement
  2. 2.
    consciousness of one's own dignity.
    "he swallowed his pride and asked for help"
    pride in oneself
    pride in one's abilities
    belief in one's worth
    faith in oneself
    amour propre
  1. be especially proud of (a particular quality or skill).
    "she'd always prided herself on her ability to deal with a crisis"

Clearly the first definition doesn't make sense here, although it's probably the one that was in mind, maybe, when June was declared Pride Month.  LGBTQ+ don't claim to have achieved that status.  Perhaps they're celebrating the things that people who fit into that category, which isn't a real category as it's far too broad, have achieved.  Maybe the second category makes more sense, actually.

Indeed, what I really think Pride Month is supposed to refer to is absence of shame, which isn't the same thing.   People have certainly been shamed for things in the past that they should not have been, and a same-sex attraction (which is now only a limited part of this broad category) is one such thing.  Pride Month was probably really intended to be an absence of shame month, so to speak.

The problem there is It's gone from "don't shame", which is related to "tolerate", to accept.  

It's one thing not to be ashamed.  A person can have attributes and conditions of all types that others regard with some element of disdain, which they are not ashamed of, or should not be ashamed of.  I'd wager that almost everyone has felt this at some point in time.  When I was a kid, I was ashamed that I had asthma, and I still somewhat am.  Most people probably wouldn't be, but I was.  I still keep it pretty much to myself, although it rarely afflicts me know.

I wouldn't ever, however, consent to being "proud" of having asthma.

As an adult, I've been curious subject to an element of shame about having chosen to be a lawyer, which is a really strange personality quirk for somebody who has been successful at it. The fact that it bothers me, bothers me.  My mother was quite proud of it, but I hated it whenever she told somebody that.  For that matter, I hate it when somebody asks me "what do you do?", which is a routine question for men to receive.  I recall being at a small local bar once with a coworker, who is immensely proud of being a lawyer, when he answered that immediate upon being questioned with an enthusiastic "We're lawyers!".  

Oh, great.

More on that, at some other time.

There are some things I'm genuinely proud of, and there are others I'm genuinely ashamed of.  I'm not going to publish either of those here, however.

To be ashamed, of course, means to have a sense of shame.  Part of the experiment of modern life has been to banish shame, and that's one of the tragedies of the modern world. There are things that people should be ashamed of, including sexual things, which Pride Month is on, in a fashion.  People who cheat on their spouses, have "sexual addiction", delve in pornography and prostitution, those being two sides of the same coin, and the like should in fact be ashamed.  Some of those people have fallen so deeply into those things that they have a very hard time getting out of them, but hat doesn't mean that they shouldn't be ashamed. Their shame should be, and if properly ordered is, their motivator, in part.

Which brings us back to the LGBTQ+ topic.

A major problem here, from the onset, is that this entire area when from homosexuality, which doesn't even appear to really be the same in men and women, to being all sexual abnormalities. From there, it's become an outright assault on normality, and that's the problem with the month.  It's gone from "accept that there are people who have same sex attraction" to "nobody is really heterosexual so you must join us".

And that's both scientifically invalid and wrong.

Starting off with the broad nature of the definition, it should be obvious that this is a problem in and of itself.  If every sexually deviation from the mean fits into a category, and the category must be not only tolerated but celebrated, then there is no bar whatsoever to any sexual deviation.  

Put more bluntly, if you have to accept transgenderism as real and worthy of celebration, you have to accept child molestation the same way, and there's no bar to that which is anything more than sophistry.

Of course, we all know that's wrong, except for a tiny number of pedophiles who argue just what I noted.  That brings you to the flip side.  If pedophiles are mentally ill, then you can have a departure from the mean, which is a mental illness.

That is in fact the reality of it. The question then becomes what is a mental illness and what isn't. . . assuming that any of these departures from the mean aren't.

Well, the ones that pretty clearly aren't always are the old male/female ones where somebody is a bad actor.  That is, men who screw every woman that will let them, and women who behave the same way. That's bad behavior, and wrong.  It's also now being "polyamorous".  

Having said that, according to modern psychology, which is often wrong, this may be sexual addiction, which is a mental illness.

Some of the categories in the LBGTQ+ group are, quite obviously, mental illnesses.  Transgenderism definitely is.  Others may simply be strong compulsions, or even weak ones. For those, Pride Month serves to pigeonhole people where they wouldn't otherwise go, and may not wish to.

Everyone has known some people with some sexual deviation compulsions.  Some of them hold them strongly, and others not very much.  The interesting thing, however, is that until the Obergefell era, many simply had that as an aspect of their personality, with many of them emphasizing it hardly at all.  Only the most aggressive, who are often those who demonstrated a pronounced deviation, were really aggressive about it.  Those people are now, however, driving the bus and the entire culture.

Part of that bus driving is mowing down anyone who won't get on, and that in part is serving to drive the nation apart.  Pride Month has been co-opted, or perhaps always served, to force accepting every sexual deviation down the throats of everyone else.  If you don't believe that it's all natural, you are liable to intellectual assault.

It's the racist eugenics of our era.

From Government websites from every branch of the government all the way to corporations are forcing the agenda.  As you can't force the unnatural on everyone indefinitely, it will fail, but it might fail in destructive ways.

It's also in advertising, which is interesting in that this is the second time in fifty years that advertising has gone down this road. The first time was in the 1970s, when it became heavily sexualized for a decade or so, and it delved into pedophilia.  Reaction to the worst of that pulled it back out, but it serves as a model.  Conventional advertising in the 70s used juvenile female models as sex objects until the consuming public said "enough", and then they stopped, but not before entertainment became briefly pedophilia as well.  Pretty Baby, The Blue Lagoon, etc., donned the movie screens.  "Does Your Mother Know" and "What's Your Name" the airwaves.

Right now you can't swing a moribund felis domesitcus without hitting some advertising effort to get you to adopt the concept that maybe you ought to crawl into bed with your own gender, and perhaps frequently, or at least that's A-OK.

All of this fuels part of the counter reaction which is raging in our time.  People wonder how a late septuagenarian serial polygamist with weird bad hair can openly demand to be crowned Emperor and stand a good chance of having it happen, or how a thirty-something single Californian who has never held a real job but who spouts conspiracy theories and cloaks himself in the mantle of true conservatism can win office and be prayed over by college Republicans, or how individuals can be voted onto school boards with the intent to remove books.  Well, an administration that demands you accept the unnatural, a political party that requires you accept the new eugenics, and the stocking of books in school libraries that are openly sexually perverse are a big part of the reason why.

In other words, going from the widely accepted "look, we don't tell you what to do in your bedrooms, so just leave the same sex attracted alone, and they won't bother you", to "you must accept children being taught sodomy" and "you must let gender mutilation of minors occur" is a big part of that.  People on the left might claim that's the manifestation of Christian Nationalism (which it really isn't), but a lot of the reaction is just a species knowing what is biologically correct and reacting to being attacked. 

In other words, toleration is one thing.  Brutally forced acceptance of what you were formally asked to tolerate, quite another.

Pride itself is a curious thing, and in our Lutherarian society, worshiping individualism as it is, and declaring self-worth and worthiness in everything, grossly overdone.  You can be legitimately proud of an accomplishment that has some merit, particularly difficult ones.  Having pride for overcoming something, such as a difficult task, including overcoming a personal problem or vice, is fully legitimate.  Being proud of a greater group of which you are part is as well, when that group has done more than simply exist, is as well, but much, much less so.  "Taking pride" is different, but can have merit as well.  A person can legitimately take pride, for example, in their appearance, or in their occupational or social status, assuming the latter has some merit.

Merely being proud, however, with no investment in something, tends to be arrogance.  Often statements like "proud to be an American", while that can indeed have worth, are just that.  Extreme cultural pride can cross over into something really vile.  Members of the SS were, after all, proud to be German.

Being proud of something biological, in any sense, is totally misplaced.  A person can't be proud to be tall or short. They can, however, lack shame for the same thing, which is totally different.  In the category that we're dealing with, sort of, a person with a high sex drive can't really legitimately claim pride in it.  Depending upon how they react to it, they may claim to be proud, in handling it in a dignified and moral fashion, or they may be in the category of those who should bear shame for how they handle it, that latter concept having gone out of fashion, seemingly, in the libertine era in which we live.

Having pride for being a member of a group that has a minority sexual inclination, which is now unfairly and bizarrely all lumped together in "LGBTQIAP2S+?" makes no more sense than being heterosexual does.  Those who fit into one of those categories claim not to have achieved it, but to have had it imposed upon them, in some fashion. That's not much different than being short or tall.  It comes dangerously close to endorsing a sort of racism in the same fashion that "White Pride" does.

It's also distinctly different than not being ashamed.  There are plenty of reasons that those with deep-seated sexual minoritarian inclinations should not be ashamed.  There's no reason, for instance, that homosexuals should be ashamed of that inclination.  They didn't chose it.  Not being ashamed is not price, it's not being ashamed.

That's also separate, of course, from how we react to a deep-seated inclination of that type.  For eons those with such drives struggled to contain them, which we will confess was in part because of cultural norms and beliefs, and in part because of repression.  Be that as it may, it wasn't all that long ago that most with such drives may have been aware of them, but they didn't dominate their existence and didn't define who they were.  Now the cultural gatekeepers demand the opposite.

That doesn't touch, of course, where we are compelled by nature or morality to act towards restraint or reform.  It wasn't very long ago that the Hefnerian view of the world so dominated that we openly winked at people forcing sex upon women, and those with money and power were granted the right to do so. We can all pretend that we were shocked, shocked, to learn that Bill Cosby drugged women and then had his way with them, but we knew for decades that he was hanging out at the Playboy mansion which was dedicated to no other purpose than female sexual chattel slavery.  We can pretend that we didn't know that juvenile female actresses were often expected to trade in sex, and that young women in the workplace were subject to constant abuse, but it was so widely known that it was hinted at repeatedly in the movies themselves.***This leaves us with there being things we should not be ashamed of at all, things we should not be ashamed of but not yield to, and things which shame should compel us to act upon.

We should not take pride in simply having a sex drive, no matter how it is oriented.  And those who question things that only yesterday were regarded by nearly everyone, including those with minoritarian inclinations, as deeply disordered, on a scientific basis should not be shouted down and be forced to shut up for not going with the flow of the day.

Indeed, we've done that before.  We did it on race based slavery.  We did it with destruction of indigenous cultures.  More recently, we did it with eugenics, part of what became the foundation of at first Planned Parenthood, and then later, the Holocaust.


*Not "Christian" farmers, Protestant farmers.  Indeed, Catholicism had made inroads into Native populations everywhere already, with it being the case in what became the Louisiana Purchase and Canada that their conversion was simply religious, but not cultural.

**As with abortion, it's worth noting that its the United States that really has the extreme liberal allowances in this area.

***This is portrayed, somewhat veiled, in The Godfather.  It the book its not only portrayed, but not veiled, leaving the reader with the oddity that to a degree the Mafia is portrayed as more moral than the movie industry.

Lex Anteinternet: J. D. Vance at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.

Lex Anteinternet: J. D. Vance at the National Catholic Prayer Breakf... :  J. D. Vance at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. Vance, on ...