Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: Down the rabbit hole.

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: Down the rabbit hole.:   

Lex Anteinternet: Down the rabbit hole.


Having recently posted this. . . 

Lex Anteinternet: Down the rabbit hole.: Down the Rabbit Hole And so, we find, a contemporary warped Zeitgeist, virtue signaling, cowardice, and bad reporting, have taken the state ...

a person might reasonably ask what we think of the large billboard on the same street as the hospital.

You know, the one with the woman in bikini bottoms and her chest covered up by the logo "Think Big".

Well, I feel the same way. That's not natural.

I've actually posted on this before, but in my view, undergoing medical procedures for mere appearance is wrong.  Not as wrong as attempting to mimic the appearance of the opposite gender, but wrong nonetheless. 

Now, a person can go down another rabbit hole with this.  What about getting braces for cosmetic reasons, for example?

Well, actually, braces normally actually serve a medical purpose.  Straight teeth look nice, but properly aligned teeth can avoid physical problems.  Inflating boobs does not do that.

And that's where the line here is really drawn. We're not prefect, and we all have ailments, injuries and defects. But medicine for purely self-centered psychological reasons is contrary to nature, whereas medicine to address injuries illnesses and legitimate deformities seeks to restore it.

Now, no doubt, some would say that mental status is no doubt real, and it no doubt is.  But here too, there is a mean to run buy. If a person is agitated or disturbed in some way, yes, address it. But confirming in them that their self perception of a defect which is not real isn't addressing it.

Oh, what's the harm, others might note. But something invasive always does some harm by definition.  And even in a minor thing, like chest size, a larger societal harm exists by deforming the human reality. Some are big, some are small, that's the way things are. Whether they work or not is the ultimately real question.

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