Sunday, April 9, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in Germany. An die gläubigen Priester der Kirche in Deutschland.

Lex Anteinternet: Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in G...

Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in Germany. An die gläubigen Priester der Kirche in Deutschland.

Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in Germany

ON APR 02, 2023

Reverend and Dear brothers in Christ,

You have been very much in my prayers throughout the time since the beginning of the so-called Synodal Way. After the conclusion of the Fifth Synodal Assembly on March 11th last in Frankfurt/Main, I have been praying for you most especially, so that you remain faithful to the Apostolic Tradition, to the truths regarding faith and morals handed down to us by Christ in the Church, which we, as priests, are ordained to safeguard and promote. The faithful have never needed more than today priests who announce to them the truth, who bring them Christ, above all, in the Sacraments, and who guide and govern them in the way of Christ.

I can only imagine your profound sadness at the positions taken by the Assembly, including the great majority of the Bishops, which are directly opposed to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and practiced. I share your sadness and experience the temptation to discouragement, which you, no doubt, also experience. At times such as these, which priests have experienced at other times in the history of the Church, we must recall the promise which Our Lord, who never lies and is always faithful to His promises, has made to us, when, at His Ascension, He placed into our hands the Apostolic mission: “… and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28, 20). Taking to heart, once again, the mission and Our Lord’s promise, we must soldier on, we must be His faithful “fellow workers in the truth” (3 Jn 8).

At times such as these, when even those who are Bishops betray the Apostolic Tradition, faithful Bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and lay faithful will necessarily suffer greatly precisely because of their fidelity. As we begin Holy Week, the week of Our Lord’s Passion and Death, and anticipate the Easter Season, the time of His Resurrection and Ascension, let us take to heart His words to those who would be His disciples: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mt 16, 24). During these holiest of days, Our Lord pours out from His glorious-pierced Heart the strong graces of His victory over sin and death to strengthen us to be good, faithful, and generous disciples. During Holy Week and the Easter Season, let us lift up to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially through the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the sufferings of His Mystical Body, the Church, which is passing through a time of pervasive confusion and error, with their fruits which are division, apostasy, and schism.

Let us always remember, especially when the suffering we endure seems too much to bear, that we are not alone, that Christ is alive in us, that divine grace – sanctifying and actual – is at work within us. Let us ever remember Our Lord’s words to His Virgin Mother and Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, with whom we stand mystically at the foot of the cross: “Woman, behold thy son… Behold thy mother” (Jn 19, 26-27). The Mother of God is the Mother of Divine Grace and is, in a special way, the Mother of Priests who, in her Divine Son, bring countless graces to many souls. Our Lord’s Virgin Mother is ever at our side, even as she lovingly instructs us: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2, 5).

One in heart with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we also ever enjoy the fellowship of all the saints who will never fail to assist us, if only we call upon their intercession. In dark moments, let us not forget the reality and exhortation divinely spoken to us in the Letter to the Hebrews: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12, 1-2).

In closing, I assure of my union with you and of my daily prayers for you. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we have been discouraged for a time before the Mystery of Iniquity, but now, with our eyes fixed on Our Risen Lord and His unchanging teaching, may our hearts be renewed in ardor by His grace (Lk 24, 32). I urge you to be close to Our Lord Who has chosen us to be His brothers in the Holy Priesthood and to be close to one another in pure and selfless love of the Church, His Mystical Body, and in the suffering offered for the sake of love of Him and of our brothers and sisters for whom we have been ordained as true shepherds.

Please remember me in your prayers.

With deepest fatherly affection, I impart to you and to Our Lord’s flock in your priestly care my blessing.

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke


Palm Sunday, 2 April 2023

An die gläubigen Priester der Kirche in Deutschland 

Hochwürdige und liebe Brüder in Christus, von Beginn des sogenannten Synodalen Weges an waren Sie besonders in meine Gebete eingeschlossen. Nach Abschluss der Fünften Synodalversammlung am 11. März in Frankfurt am Main habe ich ganz besonders für Sie gebetet, damit Sie der Apostolischen Tradition, den von Christus in der Kirche überlieferten Glaubens- und Sittenwahrheiten, treu bleiben. Wir als Priester sind geweiht, um diese zu bewahren und zu fördern. Mehr als jemals zuvor brauchen die Gläubigen heute Priester, die ihnen die Wahrheit verkünden, die ihnen Christus bringen, vor allem in den Sakramenten, und die sie auf dem Weg Christi führen und leiten. 

Ich kann Ihre tiefe Traurigkeit über die Stellungnahmen auf der Versammlung nur erahnen, auch die Traurigkeit über die große Mehrheit der Bischöfe, die sich in direktem Gegensatz zu dem positioniert haben, was die Kirche immer und überall gelehrt und praktiziert hat. Ich teile Ihre Traurigkeit und spüre die Versuchung der Entmutigung, die Sie zweifelsohne auch verspüren. In Zeiten wie diesen, die Priester auch zu anderen Zeiten in der Geschichte der Kirche erlebt haben, müssen wir uns an das Versprechen erinnern, das Unser Herr, der niemals lügt und der Seinen Verheißungen immer treu ist, uns bei Seiner Himmelfahrt gegeben hat, als Er die apostolische Sendung in unsere Hände legte: "... Seht, ich bin mit euch alle Tage bis zum Ende der Welt." (Mt. 28,20). Indem wir uns erneut den Auftrag und die Verheißung Unseres Herrn zu Herzen nehmen, müssen wir weiterkämpfen, müssen wir seine treuen "Mitarbeiter in der Wahrheit" sein (3. Joh,8) 

In Zeiten wie diesen, in denen selbst Bischöfe die Apostolische Tradition verraten, werden treue Bischöfe, Priester, geweihte Personen und gläubige Laien gerade wegen ihrer Treue notwendigerweise sehr leiden. Wenn wir nun die Karwoche, die Woche des Leidens und Sterbens Unseres Herrn, beginnen und die Osterzeit, die Zeit Seiner Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt, erwarten, nehmen wir uns Seine Worte zu Herzen, die Er an diejenigen richtet, die seine Jünger sein wollen: "Wenn jemand mir nachfolgen will, so verleugne er sich selbst, nehme sein Kreuz auf sich und folge mir nach." (Mt. 16,24) In diesen heiligsten aller Tage gießt Unser Herr aus Seinem glorreich durchbohrten Herzen die mächtigen Gnaden Seines Sieges über Sünde und Tod aus, um uns zu stärken, damit wir gute, treue und großzügige Jünger sein können. Die Leiden Seines mystischen Leibes, der Kirche, die durch eine Zeit um sich greifender Verwirrung und Irrtümer geht, deren Früchte Spaltung, Glaubensabfall und Schisma sind, wollen wir in der Karwoche und Osterzeit besonders durch das Eucharistische Opfer zum Herzen Jesu emporheben. 

Denken wir immer daran, besonders dann, wenn das Leid, das wir ertragen, unerträglich zu werden scheint, dass wir nicht allein sind, dass Christus in uns lebendig ist, dass die göttliche Gnade - heiligmachend und helfend - in uns wirkt. Erinnern wir uns immer an die Worte Unseres Herrn an Seine jungfräuliche Mutter und den heiligen Johannes, dem Apostel und Evangelisten, mit denen wir mystisch am Fuß des Kreuzes stehen: "Frau, siehe, dein Sohn ... Siehe, deine Mutter" (Joh. 19, 26-27). Die Muttergottes ist die Mutter der göttlichen Gnade und in besonderer Weise die Mutter der Priester, die durch ihren göttlichen Sohn vielen Seelen unzählige Gnaden bringt. Die jungfräuliche Mutter Unseres Herrn ist immer an unserer Seite, auch wenn sie uns liebevoll anweist: "Was er euch sagt, das tut!" (Joh. 2,5). 

Ist unser Herz, durch das Unbefleckte Herz Mariens, mit dem Heiligsten Herzen Jesu vereint, genießen wir auch immer die Gemeinschaft aller Heiligen, die es nie versäumen werden, uns zu helfen, wenn wir sie nur um ihre Fürsprache anrufen. Vergessen wir in diesen dunklen Augenblicken nicht die Wirklichkeit und die Ermahnung, die uns im Hebräerbrief auf göttliche Weise zugesprochen wird: "Da wir nun von einer so großen Wolke von Zeugen umgeben sind, lasst uns alle hemmende Last abwerfen und die Sünde, die so sehr an uns haftet, und lasst uns mit Ausdauer den Wettlauf laufen, der vor uns liegt, indem wir auf Jesus schauen, den Begründer und Vollender unseres Glaubens, der angesichts der vor ihm liegenden Freude das Kreuz erduldete, ohne der Schmach zu achten, und zur Rechten des Thrones Gottes sitzt" (Hebr. 12,1-2). 

Abschließend versichere ich Ihnen meine Verbundenheit mit Ihnen und meine täglichen Gebete für Sie. Wie die Jünger auf dem Weg nach Emmaus haben wir uns eine Zeit lang vom dem Geheimnis des Bösen entmutigen lassen; doch nun, mit unseren Augen fest auf Unseren auferstandenen Herrn und Seine unveränderliche Lehre gerichtet, mögen unsere Herzen durch Seine Gnade mit neuem Eifer erfüllt und erneuert werden (Vgl. Lk. 24,32). Ich bitte Sie eindringlich, Unserem Herrn nahe zu sein, der uns zu Seinen Brüdern im Heiligen Priestertum erwählt hat, und einander nahe zu sein in reiner und selbstloser Liebe zur Kirche, seinem mystischen Leib, und im Leiden, das wir aus Liebe zu Ihm und zu unseren Brüdern und Schwestern, für die wir als treue Hirten geweiht wurden, aufopfern. 

Bitte denken Sie an mich in Ihren Gebeten. 

Mit tiefster väterlicher Zuneigung erteile ich Ihnen und der Herde Unseres Herrn, die Ihrer priesterlichen Obhut anempfohlen ist, meinen Segen. 

Raymond Leo Kardinal BURKE, 

Rom Palmsonntag, den 2. April 2023

Related Threads:

Compromise and Compromised

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Compromise and Compromised

Lex Anteinternet: Compromise and Compromised:

Compromise and Compromised

Joan d'Arc.

Eddie Mannix:  Father?

FC:  Yes, my son?

Mannix:  May I ask you something, Father?

FC:  Of course, my son.

Mannix:  If there's something that's easy, is that wrong?

FC:  Easy?

Mannix:  Yeah, yeah. . . easy to do.  An easy job.  It's not a bad job, it's not bad. But there's this other job.  It's not so easy.  In fact, it's hard.  So hard Father that sometimes I don't know if I can keep doing it.  But it seems right.  I don't know how to explain.

FC:  God wants us to do what's right.

Mannix:  Yeah. . . yeah, of course he does.

FC:  The innervoice that tells you that, it comes from God.

Mannix:  Yeah.  I got it.

FC:  That's his way of saying

Eddie Mannix: Yeah. Right, I get it.

Dialogue from Hail Caesar.1 

Years ago, I knew a woman who was at that time recently out of the Marine Corps.  She was a fallen away Catholic.  Interestingly, unlike so many who fall away from a faith, she made no excuses for it.  Indeed, in discussing the topic with her once, she stated that she'd become a Catholic in the first instance because, like the Marines, it didn't make compromises.

She was a very troubled soul, and plagued with problems. Her marriage was her second, and that may well have been the origin of her falling away.  All in all, however, looking back, a lot of her problems were likely organic in nature, for which she'd bear no fault at all.  Her cross was a heavy one, and she was definitely dragging it and dropping it, but she didn't make very many excuses for it, which is a rarity.

Her observation was a keen one.

She'd been a Marine, as they were a military service that didn't compromise.  And when she'd become a Christian, she'd become a Catholic, as it was a faith that didn't compromise with the Gospel.   They didn't compromise, and they were not, by extension, compromised.

That's a lesson that human beings seemingly have a really hard time learning.  We live in the era of compromise, with some institutions, and people, being so compromised, they have little value.  Some are so compromised that they've gone from having value, to little value, to negative value.

Compromise sneaks in by means of subtle ways at first, when it does.  Something seems hard, can't we make it just a little bit easier? Something seems unfair, can't we make it just a little more fair? And the truth is, we often can.  But doing it for its own sake often has very real dangers.

The small compromise works, quite often, towards a little larger one, that works towards an even grater one.  Value erodes, and the then the attempt to address the erosion, by that point, usually turns towards even greater compromise.  To reduce it to a bad analogy, we go from allowing a desert without finishing dinner, to asking if a difficult one would simply like to have dinner and skip all other meals in an effort to get them to eat.  

We live in the age of compromise, and now many things are compromised.

The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried.

G.K. Chesterton.

From the very onset of Christianity, there has been a struggle between those who would add to the Faith that the Lord entrusted to the Apostles and make it more difficult, and those who would subtract from it to make the narrow path urged by the Lord into a superhighway, if they could get their way.  This has always been the case, and while distressing and bewildering to those who must live through any one era in which it occurs, it will always be the case.

Indeed, even during the lives of the Apostles themselves, this occurred.  Fights broke out as to whether Gentile Christians, who at the very first were a minority with Jewish Christians the majority, were subject to Jewish dietary laws or, perhaps more daunting, laws requiring circumcision.  It was rapidly determined that they were not and indeed right from the onset dietary laws were completely suspended, none of which has kept various Christian groups from adding new ones in, often with no particular basis, from time to time.  Even as those things were going on, however, other Christians basically felt that if they showed up for the Sacrifice of the Mass, they were doing about everything required of them, causing St. Paul to list out a list of mortal sins that barred entry into Heaven, including grave sins against chastity such as fornication, male prostitution, and homosexual behavior as well as such sins as drunkenness.  St. Paul pulled now punches whatsoever on this, condemning, in the full texts, men who affected a female appearance.  So blunt is Paul in his letters that in our modern era people have taken to either ignoring, excusing or psychoanalyzing St. Paul in a fairly desperate effort to avoid his teachings.

Indeed, the easy out that people attempt to give themselves in this area is to try to limit and then minimize St. Paul, but pretty soon you have to do the same to Christ as well.  Jesus notably criticized the Pharisees for making things difficult needlessly, but it was also Jesus who just flat out stated that getting divorced remarried was adultery.  No exceptions.  And while people like to claim that "well Christ didn't say. . ." this or that, it's pretty clear that 1) he might have, or 2) in areas of well accepted moral conduct there would have been no need to go back over some things, and 3) he actually did condemn certain immoral act either directly or indirectly with statements that are recorded. The Samaritan woman at the well, for example, was directly criticized for serial marriages and living with a man she was not married to, which again indicates that divorce was barred and sex outside of marriage was as well, none of which has kept, for some time, Protestant Christians from going to Church feeling they are perfectly okay if they're divorced and remarried, shacked up with someone, or living the hook-up culture.

It is an easy matter, Olav, to be a good Christian so long as God asks no more of you than to hear sweet singing in church, and to yield Him obedience while He caresses you with the hand of a father. But a man's faith is put to the test on the day God's will is not his.

Sigrid Undset, The Axe.

Truer words were never spoken.

Certain German Catholic Bishops, now edging on open rebellion against the Church, assuming that they haven't raced into schism, should take a break, study some actually history and then reconvene.  Indeed, their betrayal of the faith is so great, they ought to resign.

And while I'm straining not to join those Catholics who now recoil every time they hear of Pope Francis, it is becoming a struggle.

And a lot of this is that, should St. Paul appear in Frankfurt today, he'd be none too happy with the German bishops who are really busy saying that sexual sins aren't that, and are going to take the well trod Protestant path of excusing and then blessing sin, something that took Protestant's decades to do but which the Catholic Church in Germany, seemingly ignorant of history, is doing at rocket speed.  Indeed, if Christ appeared on the streets of Frankfurt today and counselled against divorce, based on the ongoing conduct of the same Bishops, they'd seemingly inform him that while he may be the Son of God they've taken a vote and that's just too tough, so God must abrogate the rule.  Likewise, if St. Paul were to walk into the Kaiserdom Sankt Bartholomäus in Frankfurt and step up to the ambo to warn the congregants of their conduct, he might be interrupted by a Bishop to be informed that while St. Paul feels that homosexual sex is wrong, in Frankfurt they want to bless it.

No matter how a person attempted to address this, it's an example of secular compromise leading to irrelevance.  It's goes down a well-worn Protestant path that has pretty much lead the congregants out the door.

This history is well established, and not just in Christianity. Starting with the Christian example first, however, the pathway is pretty beaten down.

Most of the Protestant religions, indeed maybe all of them, were originally extremely stringent in their doctrine.  Indeed, it's an irony of this history that their original rebellion against the Church was fueled, in part, by the late Medieval Catholic Church having become slack in behavior.  Clerics ignored their oaths of chastity and married or took paramours, Bishops often occupied their positions for political reasons, Priests had become uneducated.  In short, the monumental effort of a fighting faith seemed to have been accomplished and a retreat into "well. . . ." had occurred.  Protestant reformers, often with a poor understanding of the Faith themselves, sought to burn down the edifice of the Church which didn't seem to match the message of the foundation of the Gospel.

Faced with that, the Church cleaned up its act and by Trent was heading back into correction, but that was too late to address the creation of numerous dissenting Christian bodies that had gone from schism, in some cases, to outright separation.  As noted, lots of those bodies were extremely rigorous at first, although this wasn't really the case for the followers of dissenter Martin Luther, who really showed what the future was going to be like.  Luther was an ordained Priest who rebelled against what he felt to be abuse and then caused his followers, mostly due to German princes wanting to separate themselves from Rome for their own greedy reasons, to completely separate.  Over time, Luther, found, as is so often the case, that Christianity was inconvenient to his sex drive, and found an excuse to violate his vow of chastity, taking a wife who had been a nun and who likewise violated hers.  Nobody can know the state of their minds or souls at that time or that of their death, but from the outside, it looks a lot like Luther found a way to rationalize his bedroom desires at the expense of his Faith at that point.

In so doing, he blazed a particularly noteworthy path. The entire Church of England came about due to King Henry VIII wanting an entire series of women who were willing to compromise their morals for a chance at queenly status.  Eventually the Church of England came to the conclusion that it was an Apostolic Church in the Catholic mold with all the same holdings, for the most part, but for being under the Bishop of Rome, including barring divorce.  Theoretically it still bars divorce, but in reality, mid 20th Century, it turned a blind eye to it, and then determined that St. Paul didn't mean what he said about homosexual sex.  In doing that, it reflects the path that, to varying degrees, almost every Protestant denomination has.  Finding a Protestant denomination that takes seriously Christ's prohibition on divorce is pretty much impossible, and even the Orthodox have strayed in this area, in spite of their insistant claims to have not interjected "innovation".  Not all Protestant faiths have cut St. Paul's letters out of the New Testament, but a lot of them have.  Some have pretty much reduced their theology to "its nice to be nice to the nice", which challenges nobody.

The Church of England started to die off as early as the 18th Century.  Increasingly weak tea in its theology, the English, a devoutly Catholic people before Henry VIII, came to more or less ignore it.  Now they're pretty much fully ignoring it. Culturally Christian, the Church of England survives because of the state in the United Kingdom.  In the US and Canada, it survives as it was once the church of wealth, and it retains it.  All over, Protestant faiths are simply dying, save for example of those which buck the trend and strongly retain fairly strict interpretations of the New Testament in various areas, which itself has caused silent schisms within them. There are, now, two Lutheran churches everywhere.  There are, now, two Anglican Communion churches everywhere.  

The German Bishops have determined to get on the wrecked train of the Church of England. It's just so hard, basically, that well, we'll ignore things, even if they don't put it that way.

What it boils down to, in the end, is that carrying your cross, particularly if you have money in your pocket, is hard, as we're really lazy and spoiled. So maybe, the logic goes, the Church ought to just say it's okay.

Now someone approached him and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?"

He answered him, “Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good.* If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

He asked him, “Which ones?” And Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor your father and your mother’; and ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

The young man said to him, “All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?”

Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect,go, sell what you have and give to [the] poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Mathew, Chapter 19.

We, in the West, and I mean 100% all of us in European nations, are the rich man.  We've collectively gone to God, asked what we need to do, and found it, well, if not hard, but seriously inconvenient.

We want to have sex with whomever, and at this point whatever, without consequence, and we want, in this modern era, God and Man's approval of it.  In other words, St. Paul may have warned his flock that men shacking up with men locked the gate to Heaven, but right now the German Bishops want to basically say, "hey, that's okay", I'll open them back up for you and bless it, it'll all be okay.

It won't be.

Indeed, we darned near want to be gods ourselves, recreating ourselves in our own imaginary image, rather than what we actually are.

Why had church attendance dropped off in Europe, and elsewhere, following the mid 20th Century?  It's hard to say, but money is a lot of it, even if we don't recognize it.  When the wolves were closer to the door, we were closer to the wolves as well, and less inclined to think that we can make ourselves into something we aren't.  Now, however, pretty much ever culture in the Western World is at the point where people are told making money is the point of their existence and that they should entertain themselves with sex and games. The Catholic Church has been the only thing, really, saying no, in the West.

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." 

Luke, Chapter 9.

Christ's quote, as recorded by Luke, is the antithesis of what the German Bishops propose.  No Cross, no Crown, maybe the old quote, but they'll not have it.  They'll convey the crown cheaply, they imply.  But it'll have no value in this world, and the opposite value in the next.

No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.

William Penn

Ironically, but seemingly unnoticed, the Catholic Church as weathered the storm of sexualized consumerism a lot better than other Christian faiths.  It's suffered no doubt everywhere, as people decided that it was more fun to play with themselves without consequence than worry about the natural result of everything, as long as drugs could sterilize the results.  Free of the worry of war, and free of the responsibility of their own actions, and free of poverty, it was pretty much life in the Playboy Club all the time, save for the guilt of it.  The guilt is still there, but the German Church, worried about empty pews, seeks to do away with that.  In doing that, its missing that there's a fairly large core of Faithful who never left. They may be weakened, but they haven't gone. And beyond that there's a large crowd of Catholics near the door who want in, but who can't quite break way, yet, from the circus.  They've also missed the point that wherever parishes, sometimes by diocesan design, and sometimes by parish action, raised, rather than lowered, the bar, people came back in, in numbers.  Indeed, an entire young Church, with clerics who aren't party of an effeminate subset tolerated in the 70s, and who are orthodox , is doing well.

What will ultimately happen here, we don't know.  We can hope that Pope Francis will act, although in much of the Orthodox centers in the Western World, there's not much hope pinned on Pope Francis at this point.  And we might hop;e that the large, poorly funded, massively growing Catholic Church in Africa says enough.  The German Church is rich, due to the Church tax, but it isn't vibrant. The African one is poor, and vibrant.  History may oddly repeat itself in some ways, as Catholicism came originally out of Africa and wasn't very shy when it did.

Or the German Church may go into schism in some fashion, openly or without acknowledgement, and evaporate, leaving those who want real standards, which in the end turns out to be everyone, wanting.

And it might leave quite a few souls imperiled, including those who are gathered in Frankfurt.

Not everyone was cut out to be a soldier.  If you aren't, it doesn't mean you are a bad person.

SSgt. Ronald E. Adams, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, May 1982.*

I have, and have not yet published, a long item on women in combat roles in the military.  I also have a shorter one I forgot about, inspired by what one of my friends (okay, relatives) thought was a charming photograph put up in Stars and Stripes, if I recall correctly, of a bunch of female troops breastfeeding their children.

The United States has been phenomenally lucky, maybe, to avoid any major wars since the Vietnam War.  I know right away somebody's going to state, "Since the Vietnam War? What about . . . "

I stand by my comment.  The US hasn't fought a major war since the Vietnam War.

The long war in Indochina required the United States to deploy 549,500 service members at its peak in 1968 in what is actually a very small country. After Tet, Westmoreland asked for the number to be increased to 750,000, and to be allowed to invade North Vietnam.  The maximum US deployment in Afghanistan was 110,000 in 2011. 157,800 was the maximum for Iraq during the second Gulf War.

In contrast to all of these, the U.S. Army, just the Army, reached the number of 8,200,000 troops during World War Two.  About half that number were inducted into the service in World War One.

Okay, so what?

Well, this, 

War is a male deal by its very nature, and I mean nature.  Warfare is one of the handful of roles written into a Homo sapiens's nature when they have an X and Y chromosome.  If they have two X chromosomes, it is not. This is true for all members of the genus homo across time, distance and culture.  

The male role as soldiers also, at one time, tended to propel them to leadership in society.  Tribal leaders who proved adept at war often had an influential role in society.  Geronimo didn't become a leader of his society, for example, by hosting tea parties or screaming in Congress like a howler monkey.

Indeed, early on most societal leaders in budding nation states had this origin.  Kings were originally simply leaders of their kin, in war and peace, but by the time they ruled over any appreciable amount of territory it was because they could command men in battle.  Put another way, it wasn't their respective views on Brexit that decided the contest between King Harold Godwinson and Duke William of Normandy.

In more modern times, it was still the case that having been a notable military leader, or even just having served notably, could result in later success in politics or business.  We seem to have passed that era by, however, and probably for the better.  Our last President who was a really well known military figure was Dwight Eisenhower and we've not had a President who served in the military since George Bush II.  As the modern world is less and less violent, having leaders who are good at something else makes sense.

Which is probably the underlying, quite reason, that Western societies became concerned about women not being allowed to fulfill combat roles in their militaries.  We don't really expect them to actually have to fight. The militaries, that is.  And we've grown use to the idea that the fighting will be done by commandos where women are unlikely to end up, or by drones, which can be flown and commanded by anyone.

The war in Ukraine, however, is proving a real throw back.

Which proves that large-scale, peer to peer, war is still possible.  Indeed, we're edging up on one with China right now, by which time China will have the largest, if not the most capable, Navy in the world and an outsized army and air force.

All of which is why opening up combat roles to women in the military has been a mistake, and may well prove to be a really fatal, and worse, mistake for women and men both.  Oddly enough, I saw two women debating this recently on Twitter, in which one of them definitely noted an aspect of this:

HrafnJá 🇮🇸 @RedStarSysop 19h Replying to @daily_cowboy

I remember similar arguments as to why I couldn’t serve in a combat unit but living in the field was fine. “Well, you’re built different. Well, hygiene issues. Well, if you get hurt we’ll look bad.” I joined to do the work. The brass’s squeamishness was their flaw, not mine.

Lady Hecate @hecate40 18hReplying to 




Women don't belong in combat.  They are not physically able to do the job.

Eric Quallen (he/him)@QuallenEric10h Replying to 





Have you been in combat?

Lady Hecate @hecate409h Replying to @QuallenEric




No.  I have been in fights with men.  I got my ass kicked.

Well. . . yeah. 

Psychologically, combat is a male role.  Physically, it is as well.  And not to go into too fine of detail on it, morphologically, men are suited to it in ways women are not.  Men are generally stronger, more aggressive, do not have bodily cycles that prove to be a frequent periodic health and sanitation problem, and don't get pregnant.  And frankly men are generally replaceable in their other roles fairly readily, whereas women are not.

On some of these, it might be noted, there's a reason that women have not supplanted men in sports, which is not a substitute for combat in my view, but which has certain analogous features.  Indeed, the small invasion of female sports by men masquerading as women through "transgenderism" is an acknowledged threat to first rank female athletes in their own sports, and one which, frankly, sees the best of the best in female athletics being displaced by males who are nothing more than also-rans when they compete against men.

The latter is illustrative as the insertion of women into this male role has led to the decrease in standards across the board in militaries.  In order to make military service suitable for women, standards of all types have to be significantly depressed. This is widely known, even if the information is routinely suppressed.

And young men, who no compunctions about being attracted to women, also tend to avoid wanting to serve in combat roles with them.  This is likely due to a deep instinct in them that's twofold.  They know that serving with women will depress the martial nature of their units, but they also know that, if htey're decent men, that they'll protect women first.  No combat unit with any sufficient number of women in it is going ot have combat cohesion for long, as some man is going to act to save women in the unit, before his mission.  It's just a fact.

Goyaałé (Geronimo) legedary Apache leader.

University of Wyoming Engineering Building, 1950s.

We've had some comments, we might note, on Academia recently.

One thing that had never occurred to me, but which I find really interesting, is the modern expansion of the university is coincident with the rise of new academic disciplines.  That would never have occurred to me but for listening to a Catholic Things you Should Know podcast.  But once considered, it's quite clear.  Education prior to the expansion of scientific disciplines in the university was concentrated on a very limited number of fields. This probably provides the reason for why the service academies came into existence in the U.S.  They were engineering schools.  I know that, but it hadn't occurred to me exactly why there would have been a deficit of engineering schools. The reason is pretty simple, the pre scientific revolution university didn't really dwell on such topics.  A person would come out of them with a good education in history, literature, and language, and depending upon where they went, quite often religion, but engineering, biology, etc. . . well, not so much.

In the mid 19th Century, that all changed.  But one thing about change is that it tends to be self-driving.  Legitimate fields like sociology covered an awful lot, and then the academy in those areas kept on keeping on.  For that reason, we currently have things such as studies on sexual diversity that take themselves really seriously.  We've addressed this a couple of times as well.

The overall problem is that at some point you cross over certain bars.  Graduating from high school was actually subject to a fairly high bar at one time.  Starting in the 1970s it was lowered, and was low in the 80s, but efforts following that started to set it high once again and much of htat has recovered.  Be that as it may, university, which was never intended to be universal, lowered its bar starting in the 80s and it's stayed low in some areas.  

Part of that is because academic positions are professor's rice bowls.  The College of Law at the University of Wyoming, for example, openly wrings its hands in angst about whether low bar passage rates will mean the end of the school.  It probably won't, but the spiraling "let's make passing the bar" easier reaction is the wrong one.  Rather, the school probably ought to make itself tougher.  

Some fields, we'd note, mostly scientific and engineering ones, can't lower the bar no matter what.  They are what they are, and for that reason they keep on keeping on, unimpeded.  They ought to be the model.

This would mean, society wide, that there would be fewer college graduates.  So be it.  Dropping the bar as low as it's gone means that lots of degrees have no value, and some degrees only have value within academia itself.  As pointed out in our Oikophobia post the other day, if a degree only has value within academia, it probably really has very low value, and there may be a wholesale falseness associated with it.

University of Wyoming, Geology Building, 1986.

Your value as a person is not determined by your performance on this exam or any other exam, your performance in law school nor the bar exam. Your value is inherent and inviolate and nothing can take it away from you.

Professor Shelley Cavalieri.

The law is a bitch.

Common, but unattributed.

We just touched on this topic.

When I took the bar exam, we used a state and national test. The state test was all essay, and only on the state's law.  The exam took a couple of days, and was followed by an oral interview.

Prior to my taking the bar exam, the examiners, in the oral interview, could and did ask oral questions. That had been dropped by the time I took it.

Much more recently, the state went to the Universal Bar Exam, which is a joke. The state test was dropped.  The interviews were dropped.

The quality of lawyers. . . dropped.

Interestingly, law grads locally are now having a hard time passing the UBE.  It hasn't gotten tougher, everything has just declined.

Law schools, as noted, and state bars, spend a lot of time worrying about this, they shouldn't.  Rather, they should take the counsel of Sgt. Ronald E. Adams.  Maybe, if you can't cut the mustard, like Professor Cavalieri notes, you aren't a bad person, but just weren't meant to practice law.

I'll never get a gold medal in the Olympics.  I won't win the Medal of Honor.  I'm not going to be President.

But like most people, there are challenges that I have faced and will face.  Demanding that the standards be lowered so I don't have to face them is a personal defeat, and a defeat for everyone else as well.


1.  It may seem odd to start with a quote from the Coen Brother's comedy, Hail Caesar! here, but in fact, the movie is taken fairly seriously by philosophic and religious commentators.  The Coen brothers themselves made comments at the time that it was released that it was actually a serious religious picture presenting "big questions".  This has lead to discussion of whether the film, which is by two Jewish filmmakers, has a Christ figure in it.

Christianity Today, at the time of its release, stated.

This is a passion play, one with Eddie Mannix at its center, our Man of Sorrows, the savior of the (movie) world.... But he has reached a crossroads—a point of temptation, if you will. The tempter is a friendly Lockheed Martin executive, who wants him to abandon his true work in the world and come live the easy path.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Health care, abortion and the Law of Unintended Consequences. How becoming obsessed with a political fantasy sabotaged, maybe, the effort to ban abortion in Wyoming

Lex Anteinternet: Health care, abortion and the Law of Unintended Co...

Health care, abortion and the Law of Unintended Consequences. How becoming obsessed with a political fantasy sabotaged, maybe, the effort to ban abortion in Wyoming

A headline on Vox:

Thanks, Obama! The hilarious reason why a judge just blocked Wyoming’s abortion ban.

Republicans just got a painful reminder that political stunts can backfire.

The article concludes:

For the moment, however, the Obama-era amendments writing anti-Obamacare talking points into two state constitutions have proved to be a thorn in the side of Republicans who hope to ban abortions. Let that be a lesson that a state constitution is a foolish thing to change for the sake of a political stunt.

Vox is more or less correct in its thesis as to how we got here, even if it's absurdly optimistic about anyone "learning a lesson".  Where it isn't fully correct is in the assumption it was a stunt.  Fired up by conspiracy theories and propaganda, a fair number of those voting for the amendment and the bill that took it to the electorate believed that they were operating against almost certain Obamacare "Death Panels".  One Natrona County former legislator has stated:

I’ll be very grieved if they actually use that as an instrument of death,  That wasn’t our intent at all.

Of course that wasn't the intent, but did you read the constitutional amendment?  There were concerns at the time.

The Equality State Policy Center, for one, was worried about the bill, with its lobbyist, Dan Neal, stating:

I’ll bet that even the original supporters of this amendment can’t tell you exactly what it will do, given the vague language and all the changes made to it during the Legislature’s deliberations in 2011.


And as for grieved?  Bereaved would be a better term.  By yielding to paranoid propaganda, those who sponsored this, and then voted for it, have blood on their hands.

And there's a lesson in there.  

In the rules that govern logical thinking, Chesterton's Fence, which should be the first rule of Conservatism, holds:

There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

 A corollary to that might be called Yeoman's Gate, which holds:

Before you go through a gate to get to the other side of a fence, completely figure out. to the extent you can, where the path goes.

Which brings up the topic of the Gatekeeper:

If somebody is holding a fence open, urging you to go through, or keeping it close, trying to bar you from doing so, ask what interest he has in either action.

None of these principles were applied.  If they had been, it should have been clear that a certain sector of the Obamacare fearmongers were people who were using it for their own political self-interest, not out of any real concern. Those people were among the gatekeepers.  "Run through", they yelled, "the big scary blood Marxist bear of Obama is right behind you!. . .And by the way, vote for me next election, here's my flyer full of BS . . ."

And the pathway lead right to here.

A person should likely ask the same questions about the more radical bills that floated in the last legislature, and most particularly about the Crossover Voting bill that just passed.

Why did we allow crossover voting?  Nobody really asked, did they?

Where does the path lead, now that we've crossed it?

And why was the gatekeeper so eager to for us to go through?

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: The Staff of Life: Bread

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: The Staff of Life: Bread

Lex Anteinternet: The Staff of Life: Bread

Lex Anteinternet: The Staff of Life: Bread:      

The Staff of Life: Bread

 The preparation of loaves of bread.
Bread is the staff of life; in which is contained, inclusive, the quintessence of beef, mutton, veal, venison, partridge, plum-pudding and custard: and to render all complete, there is intermingled a due quantity of water, whose crudities are also corrected by yeast or barm, through which it means it becomes a wholesome fermented liquor, diffused through the mass of bread.
Jonathan Swift, to whom I'd related on my mother's side.

Recently I heard a homily delivered referencing the Lord's Prayer and bread.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The Lord's Prayer in contemporary English.

The Priest, an African native, noted that for a time he'd served as a Priest in Rome, and during that time he was thrown into a bit of crisis due to the massive  variety of Italian breads (twenty kinds, he related) and that so much of it was thrown away in a location that was just across from him.  At home, in Zambia, bread was consumed still just once a month, when his father was paid.  How, he wondered, could he relate the scarcity of bread in his native land, with the over abundance of it in his new location, and the scarcity of it referenced in the Lord's Prayer (my summation, not quite the way he put it)?  He figured that very few Americans or westerners thought of it in terms of scarcity.
Pater Noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificétur nomen tuum;
advéniat regnum tuum;
fiat volúntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in temptatiónem,
sed líbera nos a malo.
The Lord's Prayer in Latin.

Well, it might be just me, or perhaps more the family I come from, but that thought, the scarcity of bread and what it means in the context of the prayer, is something that I have thought of before.  Perhaps because I can recall my father mentioning, in reference itself to the prayer, that in the ancient world "bread was truly the staff of life."
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli,
sia santificato il tuo Nome,
venga il tuo Regno,
sia fatta la tua Volontà
come in cielo così in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori,
e non ci indurre in tentazione,
ma liberaci dal Male.
The Lord's Prayer in contemporary Italian.

And indeed it was.

Bread was the basic foodstuff that fed great masses of humanity all around the world for centuries.  The diet we have today, with lots of variety, didn't exist in many localities, particularly after civilization, i.e., the construction of towns and cities, started in ancient times.  Not that any ancient society really had the variety of foods we have today, but hunter gatherer societies can have a more varied one than we suppose, with a fairly balanced diet.  In many ancient societies, however, once towns were built and crop agriculture set in, and indeed many societies right up until relatively modern times, bread was one of the basic if not the basic stable food item.  A person might have meat often, but they could hope to get by on bread.
Notre Père qui es aux cieux,
que ton Nom soit sanctifié,
que ton règne vienne,
que ta volonté soit faite
sur la terre comme au ciel.
Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain de ce jour.
Pardonne-nous nos offenses,
comme nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui nous ont offensés.
Et ne nous soumets pas à la tentation,
mais délivre-nous du mal. 
The Lord's Prayer in French.

That's quite a change, indeed, from what we experience now.  I suppose there may be exceptions, but by and large I don't know of any society that depends upon bread the same way that all peoples once did.
Πατερ ημων ο εν τοις ουρανοις·
     Pater hēmon ho en tois uranois;
αγιασθητω το ονομα σου·
     hagiasthēto to onoma su;
ελθετω η βασιλεια σου·
     elteto hē basileia su;
γενηθητω το θελημα σου, ως εν ουρανω και επι γης·
     genēthēto to thelēma su, hos en urano kai epi gēs;
τον αρτον ημων τον επιουσιον δος ημιν σημερον·
     ton arton hēmon to etiusion dos hēmin sēmeron;
και αφες ημιν τα οφειληματα ημον,
     kai aphes hemin ta opheilēmata hēmon,
ως και ημεις αφηκαμεν τοις οφειλεταις ημων·
     hos kai hēmeis aphēkamen tois opheiletais hēmon;
και μη εισενεγκης ημας εις πειρασμον,
     kai mē eisenegkēs hēmas eis peirasmon,
αλλα ρυσαι ημας απο του πονηρου.
     alla rhusai hēmas apo tu ponēru.

The Lord's Prayer in Greek.

Which is, I suppose, why ever culture around the world seems to have its own variety of it, with some societies in the wheat growing regions of the globe having multiple vareities of it.  Indeed, Italy and France seem to have a profusion of bread types, and good ones too, which we've only recently caught up with after basically importing their types.
Unser Vater in dem Himmel!
Dein Name werde geheiliget.
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe auf Erden wie im Himmel.
Unser täglich Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schulden,
wie wir unsern Schuldigern vergeben.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel.

The Lord's Prayer in German.

And thank goodness for that, I'd note.  American breads of my youth were lousy, in my opinion. So packed with sugar that they are basically a really bland cake, the left a lot to be desired.  Those industrial breads are still around I'd note, but I don't have to buy them and I don't.
Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех!
Да святится имя Твое,
да приидет Царствие Твое,
да будет воля Твоя,
яко на небеси и на земли.
Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь;
и остави нам долги наша,
якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим;
и не введи нас во искушение,
но избави нас от лукаваго. 
The Lord's Prayer in Russian.

Ironically, some of the really fancy breads of today started off, oddly enough, as poverty foods.  Italian walnut based breads and pastas (basically a species of bread, really) were the food of the really poor, who gleaned walnets.  Irish soda bread, which I really like and which I used to make on occasion, is a "short" bread with no or little sugar and no yeast.  Easy to make with only flour, just as the Irish poor were likely to not have.

Ranch cook making what is probably soda, or sheepherder's, bread in a cast iron pan, the way it is made at camps, and the way I even make it 
Оч͠е нашь ижє ѥси на н͠бсєхъ . да с͠титьсѧ имѧ
твоѥ да придєть ц͠рствиѥ твоѥ · да бѫдєть воля
твоя · яка на н͠бси и на земли хлѣбъ нашь насѫщьиыи ·
даждь намъ дьньсь · и остави намъ · длъгы
нашѧ · яко и мы оставляємъ длъжникомъ нашимъ
и нє въвєди насъ въ напасть · иъ избави ны отъ
The Lord's Prayer in Old Church Slavonic.

But I can see how many would have never considered this.
أبانا الذي في السّماوات
ليتقدَّسِ اسمُك
ليأتِ ملكوتُك
لتكُنْ مشيئتُكَ
كما في السَّماءِ كذلكَ على الأرض
خبزَنَا الجوهريَّ أعطِنا اليوم
واترُكْ لنا ما علينا
كما نتركُ نحنُ لِمَنْ لنا عليه
ولا تُدخِلْنا في تجربة
لكن نجِّنا مِن الشرير
The Lord's Prayer in Arabic.

Although I suspect that quite a few still do, even in spite of a modern condition in which foods supplies are so vast in the Western World that bread is sometimes regarded by some as a dietary enemy.
The Lord's Prayer in Chinese.

And, in the context of the Lord's Prayer, if a person does, the deeper meaning of the prayer on that line is quite evident.
E ko mākou Makua i loko o ka lani,
e ho‘āno ‘ia Kou inoa.
E hiki mai Kou aupuni.
E mālama ‘ia Kou makemake ma ka honua nei,
e like me ia i mālama ‘ia ma ka lani lā.
E hā‘awi mai iā mākou i kēia lā i ‘ai na mākou no nēia lā;
a e kala mai ho‘i iā mākou i kā mākou lawehala ‘ana,
me mākou e kala nei i ka po‘e i lawehala i kā mākou;
a mai ho‘oku‘u ‘Oe iā mākou i ka ho‘owalewale ‘ia mai,
akā e ho‘opakele nō na‘e iā mākou i ka ino. 

Vår Far i himmelen!
La navnet ditt helliges.
La riket ditt komme.
La viljen din skje på jorden
slik som i himmelen.
Gi oss i dag vårt daglige brød,
og tilgi oss vår skyld,
slik også vi tilgir våre skyldnere.
Og la oss ikke komme i fristelse, men frels oss fra det onde.
For riket er ditt,
og makten og æren i evighet.
Faþer vár es ert í himenríki, verði nafn þitt hæilagt.
Til kome ríke þitt, værði vili þin
sva a iarðu sem í himnum.
Gef oss í dag brauð vort dagligt,
Ok fyr gefþu oss synþer órar,
sem vér fyr gefom þeim er viþ oss hafa misgert
Leiðd oss eigi í freistni, heldr leys þv oss frá öllu illu.
Old Norse
Faðir vor, þú sem ert á himnum.
Helgist þitt nafn,
til komi þitt ríki,
verði þinn vilji, svo á jörðu sem á himni.
Gef oss í dag vort daglegt brauð.
Fyrirgef oss vorar skuldir,
svo sem vér og fyrirgefum vorum skuldunautum.
Eigi leið þú oss í freistni, heldur frelsa oss frá illu.
[Því að þitt er ríkið, mátturinn og dýrðin að eilífu, amen.]
Ár nAthair, atá ar neamh: go naofar d'ainm.
Go dtaga do ríocht.
Go ndéantar do thoil ar talamh
mar a dhéantar ar neamh.
Ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu,
agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha,
mar a mhaithimid dár bhféichiúnaithe féin.
Agus ná lig sinn i gcathú,
ach saor sinn ó olc.
[Óir is leatsa an Ríocht agus an Chumhacht
agus an Ghlóir, trí shaol na saol.]
Isä meidän, joka olet taivaissa,
Pyhitetty olkoon sinun nimesi.
Tulkoon sinun valtakuntasi.
Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi,
myös maan päällä niin kuin taivaassa.
Anna meille tänä päivänä
meidän jokapäiväinen leipämme.
Ja anna meille meidän syntimme anteeksi,
niin kuin mekin anteeksi annamme niille,
jotka ovat meitä vastaan rikkoneet.
Äläkä saata meitä kiusaukseen,
vaan päästä meidät pahasta.
[Sillä sinun on valtakunta
ja voima ja kunnia iankaikkisesti.]

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. XLV. At War With Nature and the Metaphysical

Lex Anteinternet: Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. XLV. At War With Natu...

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. XLV. At War With Nature and the Metaphysical

At war with God. 

We are at war with God.

Joseph Stalin, caught in tape commenting to Molotov.

I don't pay any attention to the Grammy's anymore.  I never much did. Anymore, however, nobody pays much attention to them.  The same has become true of all the other big awards in entertainment that once meant so much.  Now, heavily politicized in a PC fashion, they're really not very interesting and people pretty much ignore them.

Therefore, I ignored the flap over Sam Smith's performance when it came out, even though with Douthat commented on it I started to take a little note.  But then I noticed something else.

It's no secret that a certain segment of Western, liberal, society is at war with our existential nature, which calls into mind, for a believer, Stalin's quote.  And well it should. Communism claimed at first to act in accordance with man's nature, but soon saw it that it couldn't force the nature that it wished for, so it decided to make a new Communist man that was the antithesis to real men in some ways.  It failed.

That's what we have going on now.

Sam Smith is a homosexual.  While Pope Francis is certainly correct that making homosexuality illegal, as it actually is in much of the world, is wrong, celebrating it is nonsensical.  It is a deviation from the genetic norm and highly associated with a variety of physical problems if left free rein. In spite of that, however, and particularly post Obergefel, now a person can hardly even point that out.

And as people who were well attune to development and trends pointed out, the Obergefel decision was going to inevitably lead to a full scale assault on normality and nature itself, which has busted out in the transgenderism craze.  Not surprisingly, he collaborates with German songwriter Tim Petras, a man who was chemically and probably surgically mutilated as a very early teen, and who goes by the name of Kim Petras and affects a female appearance.

In Smith's performance, he affected a Satanic visage and gave what can only be called an open embrace of what that entails.  Perhaps fully unwitting, Smith has exposed openly what most in his camp have hidden, perhaps for the better.

And by so doing, he joins Stalin in that category. For all his defects, Stalin was a genius and his comment was not only open, I don't believe it to be metaphorical.  At least he had the courage to admit what he was up to.

Of course, like all such efforts, it failed.

It's worth noting that this argument still prevails even for those who claim not to believe or doubt.  Most of the general fundamentals of Christianity in regard to men, women, and what they do and interact, are not only Christian principles, they're principles of every religion, and exhibited in every natural society.  That's why, we'd note, that Communism works no better in North Korea than East Germany.  It's contrary to human nature, as is what these performers are exhibiting.  

You can be at war with nature, but you won't win.

It's interesting to note. . .

Related to the above, that in the commentary in Playboy documentary that aired one of the models flat out stated that she believed Hugh Hefner to be possessed, and that a girl who was a centerfold or "bunny", I can't recall which painted something essentially stating the same thing prior to her committing suicide.

It was really Kinsey, and his bogus report, that started us down this road, although I've blamed Hugh Hefner, justifiably, a lot.

During World War Two, Alfred Kinsey, with colleagues, was busy studying the sexual habits of perverts who were incarcerated, resulting in a text entitled Sexual Behavior In The Human Male, which would have been better entitled Sexual Habits of Incarcerated Perverts Who Couldn't Be Drafted.  It's one of two examples of 1940s "studies" being really results driven.  I.e, a report that isn't a study, but a conclusion being justified subsequently by a report, the other being SLAM Marshall's Men Under Fire.

Both texts have done a lot of damage.

Taken objectively, it turns out that really gross perverts act perversely, which didn't stop Kinsey and his associates from actually arranging some acts that should be regarded as solicitation, or prostitution, or just weird.  Anyhow, their conclusions were erroneous, as is now well known, but so damaging and influential, they're still regarded as persuasive.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of men and women actually had very limited numbers of, as we like to say now, "partners".  Most men and women had no sexual experience at all of the really intimate type until they were married, and it was universally regarded, irrespective of not everyone keeping the standard, that sex outside of marriage was morally wrong.

Entern perversion fan Kinsey and this began to weaken, followed by Hugh Hefner.  Not too surprisingly, we are at where we now are.

99 Luftballons

The entire Chinese balloon flap has been very interesting.  I'm sure that we're not going to know the truth of it for many years.

What we know is only the basics. The Chinese have been flying spy balloons over the United States, and in this case, although barely noted, over Canada as well.  The choice of the two nations together may be simply atmospheric, perhaps that's how you get a balloon over the continental US, or it may be strategic, that flies it over and through NORAD.

It would not appear that the NORAD, American or Canadian response has been stellar. This was apparently, if we're being told the truthy, and we very well might not be, the first time a PRC spy balloon was detected, which if true is a shocking admission of a major NORAD failure.  And the entire story of waiting it so long to shoot it down doesn't pass the smell test at all.  This thing could have been dropped anywhere from the Aleutians to Wyoming harmlessly, but wasn't.  The story about not wanting to damage stuff on the ground simply isn't credible.  They were probably more likely to hit a boater where they took it down than they were to hit a human over much of its course.

Which means somebody is probably fibbing.

We now know that U2s accompanied the balloon nearly its entire route over the US. The high altitude spy plane was spying on the balloon, likely picking up anything it emitted, and perhaps messing with its own emissions.  That alone may be sufficient justification, justification that can't be admitted, for not dropping it until we did.

Chances are good, I'd note, that U2s are flying near the one now in the Southern Hemisphere.

The big question is why are the Chinese doing this?

Well, one reason is that they got away with it so far, and it did a good job of testing NORAD.  We overflew quite a few places with U2s until we simply couldn't, and it was never our intent to test air responses in doing it. We probably also intruded on Soviet waters with submarines for various spying reasons, and the Soviets and Russians probably still do that in some locations.

Nations spy.

But spying in this manner is really interesting.

They may have been able to pick up a lot of electronic data from the ground that a satellite simply couldn't.  And, importantly for a nation that is preparing for war with the United States, and it is, testing NORAD made sense.

A new Cold War?

This question came up on all the weekend shows. Are we in a new Cold War.  Nobody would say yes.

Well, we obviously are.

One analysis, that the level of trade was too high to support that claim, is nonsense. We didn't have a lot of trade with the Eastern Bloc countries, as they had nothing we really wanted to buy at the time.  China has been different, and intentionally so. The real model is the trade level between the Western combatants in World War One, prior to the war.  It was enormous, none of which kept the war from happening.

And this war will go hot.

Are the Chinese going to attack Taiwan?


Well, rather, they will probably try. 

I'd give it about 70% chance of happening by mid-decade.  I.e., we're close.

It'll also be an epic fail.

Crossing the Taiwan Strait will prove beyond them, their casualties will be massive, and their government will fall.


Fox news crew with the network.

To nobody's really surprise, unless they chose to be completely self-deluded, Fox News personnel privately acknowledged that they knew Trump hadn't won the 2020 election.  Indeed, privately, some, notably Tucker Carlson, blasted him.

In spite of this, they just keep on keeping on.  If Fox had any honor, all of these people would go, and go right now.

But they won't.  And they'll just keep shoving the crap they're shoveling.

Lying about being Jewish

It's interesting that there is now some political cache, apparently, to being Jewish.

We've long had Jewish politicians in the United States, and even before that.  Francis Salvador, for example, served in the South Carolina provincial legislature at the time of the Revolution and hew as Jewish.  But it can't be doubted, additionally, that being Jewish was once a serious hindrance to obtaining higher office.  While Salvador was undoubtedly an exception, by and large successful 19th Century Jewish politicians in the US, and there were some, came from districts where their constituents at least partially had the some background.

Exceptions started in the 19th Century, however.  Portland, Oregon had back to back Jewish mayors starting in 1869.  Washington Bartlett was the Jewish Governor of California starting in 1887.  And so on.

Be that as it may, Jewish Americans being quiet about their religious identity, in some instances, was pretty common well into the 20th Century.  Indeed, most Jewish actors in American films changed their names, if they had a name that might identify them as being Jewish.

Now that's changed so much that we apparently have two freshman members of Congress claiming Jewish identify when they have none. George Santos is one, and now Anna Paulina Luna is another.  Luna claimed to be raised as a Messianic Jew and that she’s part Ashkenazi Jewish, but has now converted fully to Christianity.

In actuality, she's always been a Christian and one of her grandfathers, a German immigrant, served i the German Army during World War Two.

What's up with this?

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