Monday, January 10, 2022

Lex Anteinternet: Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist Part XXVI. Pets and Pope Francis, the man who can't get a break. Pangur Bán. Warped Hollywood. Ghislane? The return of Boston marriages. Khardasian Attention Disorder

Lex Anteinternet: Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist Part XXVI. Pets and P...

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist Part XXVI. Pets and Pope Francis, the man who can't get a break. Pangur Bán. Warped Hollywood. Ghislane? The return of Boston marriages. Khardasian Attention Disorder

There's no such thing as "fur babies"

Pope Francis commented on childless couples and pets.

Before I go into that, I'm going to note that one of the things about Pope Francis is that he tends to be incredibly hard to pigeonhole, even though his fans and critics love to go around doing just that.  And here we have just such an example.  Only weeks away from making it pretty clear that the Latin Tridentine Mass needs to be a thing of the past, as far as he's concerned, and while he's the Bishop of Rome, he says something that's radically. . . traditional.

Here's what he said, in so far as I tell, as I can't find a full transcript of his remarks.

Today ... we see a form of selfishness. We see that some people do not want to have a child.

Sometimes they have one, and that's it, but they have dogs and cats that take the place of children.

This may make people laugh, but it is a reality.

[This] "is a denial of fatherhood and motherhood and diminishes us, takes away our humanity", he added.

Oh you know where this is going to go. . . 

Right away I saw predictable "I'm not selfish, it's my deep abiding love of the environment. . . "

Yeah, whatever.

Apparently there were a fair number of comments of that type, as a subsequent article on this topic found that, nope, most childless couples are childless as they don't want children, not because of their deep abiding concern about the environment.

Indeed, tropes like that are just that, tropes.  People tend to excuse or justify conduct that they engage in that they are uncomfortable excusing for self-centered or materialistic reasons for more ennobled ones, or even for ones that just aren't attributed to something greater, in some sense.  

Not everyone, mind you, you will find plenty of people who don't have children and justify that on that basis alone.  Indeed, in the 70s through the mid 90s, I think that was basically what the justification was, to the extent that people felt they needed one.  More recently that seems to have changed, although there are plenty of people who will simply state they don't want children as they're focused on what the personally want, rather than some other goal.  Others, however, have to attribute it, for some reason to a cause du jour.  In the 80s it was the fear of nuclear war, I recall.  Now it's the environment, although it was somewhat then as well.  I suppose for a tiny minority of people, that's actually true, but only a minority.

Whatever it is, the reaction to the Pope's statement will cause and is causing a minor firestorm.  Oh, but it'll get better.

The same Pope has already made some Catholic conservatives mad by his comments equating destroying the environment with sin.   And there's a certain section of the Trad and Rad Trad Catholic community that's unwilling to credit Pope Francis with anything, even though he says some extremely traditional things, particularly in this area.

A comment like this one, if it had been made by Pope Benedict, would have sparked commentary on the Catholic internet and podcasts for at least a time.  There's no way that Patrick Coffin or Dr. Taylor Marshall wouldn't have commented on it, and run with it in that event.

Will they now?

Well, they ought to.

Am I going to? 

No, not really.

I could be proven wrong, but I doubt I will be.

The Pope's point will be difficult for the childless to really grasp.  I don't think I became fully adult until we had children, really.  People who don't have children don't really know what its like to, I think.  And I think that probably includes even those who grew up in large families.

At any rate, I have a bit of a different point, that being my ongoing one about the industrialization of female labor.  In no small part, in my view, childless couples in general have come about as our modern industrialized society emphasizes that everyone's principal loyalty should be to their workplace or a career, without question.  As put by Col. Saito in the epic The Bridge On The River Kwai, people are to be "happy in their work".

That means that they don't have time for children, they believe, and moreover the children are societal obstacles to the concept that the only thing that matters is career.  It's the one place that ardent capitalist and ardent socialist come together.  And, as its often noted, particularly by both working mothers and folks like Bernie Sanders, it's difficult to be both a mother and worker, with it being my guess that the more education that goes into a woman's career, the more this is the case.  Society, and by that we mean every industrialized society, has no solutions to this, and there probably aren't any.  About the only one that Sanders and his ilk can come up with is warehousing children sort of like chickens at the Tyson farms.

It's also a lie, of course.  Careers, by and large, don't make people fulfilled or happy, for the most part, although there are certainly individual exceptions.  Statistical data more than demonstrates that.

The Pope, by the way, is not against pets.

Messe ocus Pangur Bán,
cechtar nathar fria saindán;
bíth a menma-sam fri seilgg,
mu menma céin im saincheirdd

Caraim-se fos, ferr cach clú,
oc mu lebrán léir ingnu;
ní foirmtech frimm Pangur bán,
caraid cesin a maccdán.

Ó ru·biam — scél cen scís —
innar tegdais ar n-óendís,
táithiunn — díchríchide clius —
ní fris tarddam ar n-áthius.

Gnáth-húaraib ar gressaib gal
glenaid luch inna lín-sam;
os mé, du·fuit im lín chéin
dliged n-doraid cu n-dronchéill.

Fúachid-sem fri frega fál
a rosc anglése comlán;
fúachimm chéin fri fégi fis
mu rosc réil, cesu imdis,

Fáelid-sem cu n-déne dul
hi·n-glen luch inna gérchrub;
hi·tucu cheist n-doraid n-dil,
os mé chene am fáelid.

Cía beimmi amin nach ré,
ní·derban cách ar chéle.
Maith la cechtar nár a dán,
subaigthius a óenurán.

Hé fesin as choimsid dáu
in muid du·n-gní cach óenláu;
du thabairt doraid du glé
for mu mud céin am messe.

I and Pangur Bán, each of us two at his special art:
his mind at hunting (mice), my own mind is in my special craft.
I love to rest—better than any fame—at my booklet with diligent science:
not envious of me is Pangur Bán: he himself loves his childish art.
When we are—tale without tedium—in our house, we two alone,
we have—unlimited (is) feat-sport—something to which to apply our acuteness.
It is customary at times by feat of valour, that a mouse sticks in his net,
and for me there falls into my net a difficult dictum with hard meaning.
His eye, this glancing full one, he points against the wall-fence:
I myself against the keenness of science point my clear eye, though it is very feeble.
He is joyous with speedy going where a mouse sticks in his sharp-claw:
I too am joyous, where I understand a difficult dear question.
Though we are thus always, neither hinders the other:
each of us two likes his art, amuses himself alone.
He himself is the master of the work which he does every day:
while I am at my own work, (which is) to bring difficulty to clearness.

Pangur Bán, a poem by an unknown Medieval Irish monk.

The Seamus Heany translation, which I like better.  It really gets at the nature of the poem:

I and Pangur Bán my cat,
‘Tis a like task we are at:
Hunting mice is his delight,
Hunting words I sit all night.

Better far than praise of men
‘Tis to sit with book and pen;
Pangur bears me no ill-will,
He too plies his simple skill.

‘Tis a merry task to see
At our tasks how glad are we,
When at home we sit and find
Entertainment to our mind.

Oftentimes a mouse will stray
In the hero Pangur’s way;
Oftentimes my keen thought set
Takes a meaning in its net.

‘Gainst the wall he sets his eye
Full and fierce and sharp and sly;
‘Gainst the wall of knowledge I
All my little wisdom try.

When a mouse darts from its den,
O how glad is Pangur then!
O what gladness do I prove
When I solve the doubts I love!

So in peace our task we ply,
Pangur Bán, my cat, and I;
In our arts we find our bliss,
I have mine and he has his.

Practice every day has made
Pangur perfect in his trade;
I get wisdom day and night
Turning darkness into light.

The Values candidates

Jeanette Rankin of Montana, who was a pacifist, and voted against delcaring war in 1917 and in 1941. She's a hero, as she stuck to her declared values.

While I’m at it, I'm developing a deep suspicion of conservative candidates and figures that express certain highly conservative social positions but don't quite seem to adhere to them in their own lives.  This coming from somebody who is obviously highly socially conservative themselves.

This comes to mind in the context of "family values", "protecting the family" and the like.  I see and read stuff like that from conservatives all the time.  So if you are saying that you strongly value the family, and protecting the family, etc., why don't you have one?

Now, some people are no doubt deeply shocked by that question, but it's a legitimate one, and I'm not the first person to raise it.  If a person might ask if I seriously expect people to answer the question, well I do.

Now, in complete fairness, all sorts of people don't have children for medical reasons.  But more often than that, if a couple don't have them, they don't want them. That's what's up with that.  And you really can't campaign on your deep love of the family if you are foreclosing that part of the family in your own lives, absent some really good reason.  More often than not, the reason is money and career.

Recently I saw, for example, a statement that a person is deeply committed to family and loves spending time with their nieces.  Well, everyone likes spending time, for the most part, with nieces and nephews.  That's not even remotely similar to having children, however.  Not at all.

I'll go one further on this and note this as I do.

The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones.

Luke, 16:10.

I note this as some of the conservative value candidates, if you look into their backgrounds, have question marks that should give pause for the reason noted above. If a person doesn't keep to their principals in small things, or basic things, why would they keep them on anything else?

One conservative candidate that I'm aware of, when you look up that person's background, was born of an ethnicity that's overwhelmingly Catholic and went to Catholic schools growing up.  That person was undoubtedly a Catholic. That didn't preclude, however, the candidate from getting divorced and remarried to another person who was divorced.

Now, that's quite common in our society, but it's completely contrary to the Catholic faith without some explanation.  Maybe there is one.  I don't know, but it's a fair question, just as it would be if a Jewish candidate grew up in an Orthodox household but operates a delicatessen featuring ham.  That may seem odd, but if you are willing to compromise on small things, you'll get around to the big ones, if the small ones also express a deep principle.

If you won't compromise on small things, or things that are represented as elemental to your declared world view, you are dependable in a crisis. On the other hand, if you participated in a faith, and were educated by it, and okay with its elements, and it formed part of your worldview . . right up until you had to do something difficult and chose the easier path. . . well, there's no real reason to believe that haven gotten there once, you won't do it again.

The candidate, I'd note, has been stone-cold silent on the insurrection.  From that, you can tell the candidate knows it was an insurrection, but is unwilling to say diddly.

The Primordal Connection

St. Jerome with lion.  St. Jerome is supposesd to have taken a thorn out of a lion's paw, and the lion thereafter stayed with him. While some might doubt some aspects of this, St. Jerome's lion is also recounted as having caused fear in the monestary in which he lived, and having adopted the monestary's donkey as a friend.

Back to pets for a second, one added thing I think about them is that for a lot of people, they're the last sole remaining contact with nature they have.

There are lots of animal species that live in close contact with each other and depend on each other.  We're one.  We cooperated with wolves, and they became dogs as they helped us hunt. Cats took us in (not the other way around) as we're dirty, and we attract mice.  We domesticated horses, camels and reindeer for transportation.  And so on.

We miss them.

One more way that technology and modern industrialization has ruined things.  Cats and dogs remind us of what we once were.

And could be, again.

Warped legacies

An awful lot of what the Pope is tapping into has to deal with the combined factors of moderns forgetting what, well, sex is for, and what its implications are, and that root morality and human nature remain unchanged.  There are probably more generations between modern house cats and Pangur Bán than there are between your ancestors who were waking up each morning in the Piacenzian and you.

Which takes us to men, behaving badly, and everyone turning a blind eye.

And, of course, Sex and the City.

She is fiercely protective of Carrie Bradshaw and livid that she and everyone else at the show has been put into this position, It is not about the money, but rather her legacy. Carrie was all about helping women and now, under her watch, women are saying that they have been hurt.

Sarah Jessica Parker on the scandal involving James Noth.


A note from Wikipedia regarding the series:

When the series premiered, the character was praised by critics as a positive example of an independent woman in the vein of Mary Richards. However, retrospective analysis tends to place more emphasis on the character's repeated and often unrepentant infidelities, with many critics instead viewing her as narcissistic.

Carrie was about helping women?  Well, excuse me if that was deluded.

Scary legacies

This news item came out the same day, I'd note, that Ghislane Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking.  And by that we mean procuring underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein.

Eew, ick.

Connection? Well, none directly.

Or maybe.  More narcissism and obsession with unrestrained desire, or lust.  

It sort of seems that you can't unleash this without it oozing out as filth sooner or later.

On Maxwell, because I tend to get my news by reading, I'm left perplexed by how a person says her first name, Ghislaine.  I have no idea. I heard it on the nightly news the other day, but the spelling is so odd, I immediately forgot how to pronounce it.

Boston Marriages

Some recent headlines from the ill historically informed press department:

What is a Platonic life partnership? These couples are breaking societal relationship norms


Platonic Partnerships Are On The Rise, So I Spoke To These Friends Who Have Chosen To Live The Rest Of Their Lives Together
"I don't think our love and commitment together should pale in comparison to romantic love."

Oh my gosh! This means that people don't always default to acting like their characters in Sex In The City or Sex Lives of College Girls!

Could this be a new trend?!?  Oh my oh my, what would it mean.

Well, maybe people are just defaulting back to normal, but we're unable to grasp that as we've been steeped in seventy years of Hugh Hefner pornification of absolutely everything. [1]  This isn't new.  Indeed, we've dealt with this here before in our  Lex Anteinternet: The Overly Long Thread. Gender Trends of the Past...
 post. Let's take a look:

But there is more to look at here.

Another extremely orthodox cleric but one of an extremely intellectual bent, and who is therefore sometimes not very predictable, is Father Hugh Barbour, O. Pream.  I note that as his comment on same gender attraction in women was mentioned earlier here and came out in a direction that most would not suspect in the context of a "Boston Marriage".  Father Barbour did not license illicit sexual contact, i.e., sex outside of marriage, in any context either, but he did have a very nuanced view of attraction between women that's almost wholly unique in some ways.  Like the discussion above, but in a more nuanced form, it gets into the idea that modern society is so bizarrely sexually focused that its converted the concept of attraction to absolute need, failing to grasp the nature of nearly everything, and sexualized conduct that need not be.  Barbour issued an interesting opinion related to this back in 2013, at which time there had just been a huge demonstration in France regarding the redefinition of the nature of marriage. 

Katherine Coman and Katherine Lee Bates who lived together as female housemates for over twenty years in a "Wellesley Marriage", something basically akin to what's called a Boston Marriage today.  Named for Wellesley College, due to its association with it, Wellesley Marriages were arrangements of such type between academic women, where as Boston Marriages more commonly features such arrangements between women of means.  Barbour noted these types of arrangements in a basically approving fashion, noting that its only in modern society when these arrangements are seemingly nearly required to take on a sexual aspect, which of course he did not approve of.

Hmmm. . . . 

Men and women who don't marry have always been unusual, but the sexualization of everything in the post Hefner world has made their situation considerably more difficult, really.  Society has gone from an expectation that the young and single would abstain from sex until married to the position that there must be something wrong with them if they are not.  This has gone so far as to almost require same gender roommates, past their college years, to engage in homosexual sex.  I.e, two women or two men living together in their college years is no big deal, but if they're doing it by their 30s, they're assumed to be gay and pretty much pressured to act accordingly.

Truth be known, not everyone always matches the median on everything, as we will know.  For some reason, this has been unacceptable in this are as society became more and more focused on sex.

At one time, the phenomenon of the lifelong bachelor or "spinster" wasn't that uncommon, and frankly it didn't bear the stigma that people now like to believe.  It was harder for women than for men, however, without a doubt.  People felt sorry for women that weren't married by their early 30s and often looked for ways to arrange a marriage for them, a fair number of such women ultimately agreeing to that status, with probably the majority of such societally arranged marriages working out. Some never did, however.

For men, it was probably more common, and it was just assumed that things hadn't worked out.  After their early 30s a certain "lifelong bachelor" cache could attach to it, with the reality of it not tending to match the image, but giving societal approval to it.  In certain societies it was particularly common, such as in the famed Garrison Keillor "Norwegian Bachelor Farmer" instance or in the instance of similar persons in Ireland, where it was very common for economic reasons.  

People didn't tend to assume such people were homosexual, and they largely were not.  Indeed, again contrary to what people now assume, except for deeply closeted people or people who had taken up certain occupations in order to hide it, people tended to know who actually was homosexual.

I can recall all of this being the case when I was a kid.  My grandmother's neighbor was a bachelor his entire life who worked as an electrician.  After he came home from a Japanese Prisoner of War camp following World War Two, he just wanted to keep to himself.  A couple of my mother's aunts were lifelong single women and, at least in one case, one simply didn't want to marry as she didn't want children, and the other had lost a fiancé right after World War One and never went on to anyone else.  Her secretary desk is now in my office.  In none of these instances would anyone have accused these individuals of being homosexual.

Taking this one step further, some people in this category did desire the close daily contact of somebody they were deeply friends with, in love with if you will, but that need not be sexual.  Love between women and love between men can and does exist without it having a sexual component.  Interestingly, it is extremely common and expected when we are young and up into our 20s, but after that society operates against it.  People form deep same gender relationships in schools, on sporting fields, in barracks and in class.  

Some of those people won't marry, and there's no reason that their friendships shouldn't continue on in the post college roommate stage.

Well, society won't have it as everything needs to be about sex, all the time.  Haven't you watched The Big Bang Theory?

Tatting for attention?

Kourtney Kardashian, I think (I can't really tell the various Kardashians from one another and don't really have a sufficient interest to learn who is who), apparently is now all tatted up now that she has a tattooed boyfriend or fiancé or something that is.  And by this, we mean heavily tattooed.

Like, enough already?

Apparently Salena Gomez has a bleeding rose tattoo.  I don't get that either, but I'm sure that piles of ink will be spilled on it.


It would be worth noting here that early on a female researching on Hefner's early publications noted how much of it was actually in the nature of barely disguised child pornography, with cartoons particularly depicting this.  This lead to an investigation in Europe, and the magazine rapidly stopped it, but it's interesting in that the magazine was so debased that it not only portrayed women as stupid, sterile, top-heavy, and nymphomaniacs, but also underage.

The impact however had been created, and by the 1970s the full on sexual exploitation of child models was on.  As debased as society has become, it's at least retreated from this.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Lex Anteinternet: 2021 Holiday Reflections. Resolution Edition

Lex Anteinternet: 2021 Holiday Reflections. Resolution Edition:  

2021 Holiday Reflections. Resolution Edition


Last year's edition was split into serious and not too serious editions.  I'm not going to rerun the whole thing, but here are the resolutions:

A 2020 Holiday Reflection. Part 3 of 3. The Resolute Edition


1.  1968 didn't work out because the 1960s didn't.

2.  Something old

3. Reassessing the reassessment of retiring.

4.  Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

5.  Right, Left and all points in between.

6.  Listen to Science.

7.  Learn Some History

8.  Quite listening to celebrities.

9. Don't take any political view, or news story view, from Twitter.

10.  Time to reassess late education.

11.  First thing we do. . . .

12.  Stop slandering everyone, including public figures you don't know.

Something Less Serious, which doesn't mean I don't mean it.

1.  Enough with the tattoos already.

2.  Try some real clothing

3.  Skip the cartoon movies

4.  Quit abusing the English language.

I'm tempted not post this, this year, as frankly 2021 wasn't great year in most ways. 

Externally it probably should seem to be to me.  I didn't get the Coronavirus and I got all three vaccinations.  I.e., I'm boosted.  So far, I've avoided the Omicron variant.  I've stayed very busy on top of it.

Well, perhaps a bit too much.  I didn't have hardly any big game season to speak of, for more than one reason.  And I'm not completely acclimated to a six-day work week that's starting to intrude into seven.  I'm not 28 years old and that sort of thing can't last forever.  

And, for lots of reasons, the past year has been unsettling.  Anyone who hasn't found the politics of the past year unsettling hasn't been paying any attention at all.  Those who have been paying attention to the science news should find that unsettling.  Things need to start happening, and by that we mean getting corrected, and quick.

Maybe I need to do some of that myself.

My profession definitely does.

This past year we saw lawyers, particularly jurists, rise to the occasion and stick with the law and the truth.  The numerous lawsuits that were filed challenging the election were embarrassing to the profession, but the courts were not.  People got a real display of judicial correctness and excellent judicial jurisprudence, even though in many instances they never understood it. The latter was evidenced by the "the courts never heard the evidence", which is besides the point completely on a case that completely lacks legal merit.

Lawyers themselves, however, didn't always rise to the occasion as it was clear that for at least awhile you could find some to maintain these claims.  Having said that, many backed out of doing so, and by and large the profession acted correctly on the challenge it was presented.  Perhaps more so than any other.

Less encouraging, however, has been the ongoing corruption of the civil litigation system which had declined enormously since the mid 20th Century.  Something needs to be done to grossly reduce the vast number of civil suits that are brought.  It will likely take the courts to do that.

More encouraging, in a way, last year saw a wedding and an engagement of some folks we know which was encouraging due to the decency, end even traditionalism, of everyone involved.

Anyhow, with all of that in mind, we'll do this the same way we did last  year, with serious and not so serious resolutions.


1. Stop lying.

This is going to be an "off year" election year, which means that politics are going to be in full swing.

The past year, 2021, has featured political lies at a level in American politics which have not been seen for decades, or maybe ever.  

People really need to knock it off.  

St. Thomas Aquinas opined in the Summae Theologiae that all lying was sinful, and sometimes seriously so.

I answer that, A mortal sin is, properly speaking, one that is contrary to charity whereby the soul lives in union with God, as stated above (II-II:24:12II-II:35:3). Now a lie may be contrary to charity in three ways: first, in itself; secondly, in respect of the evil intended; thirdly, accidentally.

A lie may be in itself contrary to charity by reason of its false signification. For if this be about divine things, it is contrary to the charity of God, whose truth one hides or corrupts by such a lie; so that a lie of this kind is opposed not only to the virtue of charity, but also to the virtues of faith and religion: wherefore it is a most grievous and a mortal sin. If, however, the false signification be about something the knowledge of which affects a man's good, for instance if it pertain to the perfection of science or to moral conduct, a lie of this description inflicts an injury on one's neighbor, since it causes him to have a false opinion, wherefore it is contrary to charity, as regards the love of our neighbor, and consequently is a mortal sin. On the other hand, if the false opinion engendered by the lie be about some matter the knowledge of which is of no consequence, then the lie in question does no harm to one's neighbor; for instance, if a person be deceived as to some contingent particulars that do not concern him. Wherefore a lie of this kind, considered in itself, is not a mortal sin.

As regards the end in view, a lie may be contrary to charity, through being told with the purpose of injuring God, and this is always a mortal sin, for it is opposed to religion; or in order to injure one's neighbor, in his person, his possessions or his good name, and this also is a mortal sin, since it is a mortal sin to injure one's neighbor, and one sins mortally if one has merely the intention of committing a mortal sin. But if the end intended be not contrary to charity, neither will the lie, considered under this aspect, be a mortal sin, as in the case of a jocose lie, where some little pleasure is intended, or in an officious lie, where the good also of one's neighbor is intended. Accidentally a lie may be contrary to charity by reason of scandal or any other injury resulting therefrom: and thus again it will be a mortal sin, for instance if a man were not deterred through scandal from lying publicly.

Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election, and he didn't win the popular vote. . . ever.  There was no conspiracy.  Those who know that and maintain otherwise are lying. Those who self deceive themselves when they really know better are lying to themselves.

You can't fault everyone for believing lies.  But you can fault those who tell lies.

2.  Loyalty is not your Honor.

Right now there's a political advertisement running in which the theme is "Ride for the Brand".

Don't ride for the brand. Think for yourself.

Another way to summarize the "ride for the brand" thing, as currently being used in politics, is to state that Loyalty is my Honor, or in its original form Meine Ehre Heisst Treue.  That was the motto of the SS.

Yeah, they were loyal, alright. That's the point.

There's something to be said for loyalty, of course.  Loyalty to what's true.  That doesn't mean being loyal to anyone one person but to truth and principals.  

The first principal of democracy is loyalty to democracy itself.  Both the 2020 vote desires and the liberal "we'll slam it through the courts" crowd are disloyal to it  At least people who don't believe in the vote should, if nothing else, be honest about that.

FWIW, that "whole ride for the brand" think was never really as simple minded as people feeding it to the public as a slogan right now in the first place anyway.  Most 19th Century cowhands were riding for themselves, and darned near what we'd regard today as independant contractors. They worked for whatever ranch they signed on with for part of the year, usually, unless they were a top hand that was actually hired all year long. Those guys, however, were usually taking part of their pay in cattle so they could start their own place.  

Ride for the brand indeed.

3.  Hold them Accountable.

It's common to say we should hold our politicians accountable, but in Wyoming we have the unique ability to do that.

Here soon people are going to be walking around the neighborhood campaigning for votes and some of them are going to tell lies, either because they believe them or because they are self deluding themselves.  You can hold them accountable.

And some of these people you are going to occasionally see in places where their principals can be questioned.  I don't mean to suggest bothering a politician in the grocery line at Ridleys, but if you see one standing there at Easter Mass in a few months, well . . . 

4.  Courtesy

Pundits have been declaring for some time that courteous discourse has been declining in American society, but over the past couple of years its declined at an epic rate.

Republicans on the far right who figure that their beliefs defined the GOP declare other Republicans "RINOS" and demand, in some instances, loyalty tests.  Those of differing political views slam those who are their opposites.  It's all just too much.

People quit listening when they are offended.  Very few people have really evil or secret motives.  Everything should be in the light, but burning the camp of the perceived enemy isn't that.

5.  First Things

This year, an election year, would be a good year to be dedicated to First Things.

Every year would be.

First things probably means different things to different people, but here it'll mean this.  It's time to apply the real principles that would lead to a just and sustainable society. 

We've posted on them a lot, but they're summarized most of all by the Apostolic Faiths, which have no "health and wealth gospel".  We've also typed in here the quotes from Edward Abbey and Aldo Leopold.  

It's getting late in the day, as Cardinal Sara has reminded us.  It's too late for judging where society goes based upon the local economy, your favorite lifestyle, and your own personal desires.  

6.  The reflection in the mirror

This past year we've seen, yet again, the cycle of a  male actor behaving badly some time ago, a current accusation coming out, followed by the dogpile as it turns out that others knew it or they want to be associated with the virtuous.

Virtue is kind of an all in, or all out, sort of thing, as a rule.  There are exceptions, but they usually involve a sort of spectacular late allegiance to it.  We don't see those coming out of the entertainment industry.

The American entertainment industry has been a moral sewer for decades.  We've posted over the past year about at least one Hollywood scandal from 1921, and we've probably posted on more than one.

Let's be blunt and honest, the entire "it was all consensual" thing, combined with that "I don't k now what I was thinking when I went to his apartment" think is no excuse.  You were acting badly.

6.  Bring back some standards.

This may directly relate to the item above in lots of ways, but we're now at the point where lots of basic standards have slipped so much it's a considerable problem.

We'll start with the law again.  The entire spread of the UBE has been a disaster.  It'd frankly be best if lawyers couldn't practice across jurisdictional boundaries at all, but if that must be allowed, make them take a state bar exam. A real one.

Maybe it's time to bring back some external standards as well, including dress standards.  As somebody who frequently breaks them, that may seem like a surprising statement, but if "clothes make the man", maybe we'd be better made if this was the case.

Moral standards have really lapsed.  People like to claim that this is a pendulum, but if it is, it's stuck somewhere in the 1970s and is fueled by self-delusion in all sorts of ways.

And, once again, perhaps we should quit basing standards solely on the corporate bottom line.

And, in nothing else, here's one final one:

7. Quit making things worse for everyone.

Some people are doing that. And what's more they probably know that.

A person basing everything on their own selfish demands isn't helping.  If you are 100% convinced of all of your views, and completely unwilling to listen to anyone else, you probably have thinly developed opinions.

8. Succession

Finland has a PM in her 30s, and Argentina has a President now in his 30s.

Time marches on and talent vests in people irrespective of age.  Some experiences go from relevancy to irrelevancy within our own lifetimes.

The time has really come for the Boomer Generation, and probably Generations Jones (which never had any power) to step into lessor roles.  Death shouldn't be the only means of passing power and responsibility from one generation to another, but. . . 

9.  Democracy of the dead.

Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about.

G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

Some Less Serious

This tread used to be only on this, but this past year have been so odd that it's hard for me to really think of things in this category.

1.  Take a break from manning the ramparts.

This is going to be a repeat, but enough already on the enemy at the gates in everything.  

One way societies fail is in reaction and fatigue.  Sooner or later, the guy carrying the placard out on the sidewalk that says "the end is near" is going to be ignored.

2.  Movements fail when people get sick and tired of their adherents basically screaming in the streets.  Most people live busy lives and don't have the time or energy to engage in dire angst every day.  Simply living is enough.

2.  Visit the enemy camp.

This year in particular, it would be really helpful if all the dyed in the world adherents of various social philosophies actually visited their opponents a bit.  And by that, I mean whomever they hate the most. 

And I am using the word "hate" advisedly.  It seems to me that many people right now really truly hate their opposites.   It needs to stop, and there's no better way to do that than to really see what's up with those people.  Maybe they'll be convinced by you, or maybe you'll moderate their opinion on them.  Anyway, unless a person is just flat out afraid of testing their opinions, they ought to do this.

3.  Bring back Kasie Hunt

NBC really blew it when they let Kasie Hunt go.

I still think she should be made the host of Meet The Press.

4.  Chris Christie and Donna Brazile for the Oval Office.

I mean this, by the way.

And I don't care who would head the ticket.  I'm okay with either.

And yes, I knwo that Christie is a Republican and Brazile a Democrat.  But he's not a "hunt you down and save your left wing cats" Republican but a real conservative with an open mind, while she's not in the "let's host a new Internationale" Democrat and also has an open mind.

5.  Stop it with the stupid sex themed films and television shows, Hollywood

This is not only immoral, it's now boring.  It's not edgy, i'ts not progressive, its just exploitative and, given the ongoing "we're shocked, shocked to learn that an actor in a drama with the word "Sex" in it ran around having illicit sex" stories come up all the time, maybe somebody ought to connect the dots.

6.  Use your name

I want people to resolve to quit using made up names.  Stage names should be passe and their stupid.  Lenard McKelvey, you are not Charleamange and the rest of your radio moniker is blasphemous.  Nobody is really named Doja Cat.  If you put stallions in your made up last name, you are bordering on cultural appropriation.  Let's cut it out.

Some Repeats:

1.  Something old

It used to be the case, for some reason, brides were told they needed;

Something old 

Something new.

Something borrowed

Something blue.

I don't know about that, but the entire society needs to try the first one, as we by and large don't know what works anymore.  And by that, I mean something serious, and some things not so much.

What I more particularly mean is that everyone, and I'm serious about this, ought to look back prior to the Boomer generation and try something, and really try it, that your progenitors of that generation prior would have regarded as routine.  Because this blog is directed at the faceless void, I don't know what that really means in your case.

In my own, that'd be pretty easy as my parents weren't Boomers.  So for folks like me, I'd say go back one prior to that.  I.e., if your parents were in the pre Boomer generation, look at least one back.  If  your parents are Boomers, look to the generation or generations prior to that.

And be at least partially serious.

Now, I know some people who think they've done this.  Their great grandparents might avhe been immigrants from Poland, for example, so they've adopted Polish names for their newborn and they eat kielbasa on the Polish national holiday, whatever that is.  And I in fact mean something sort of like taht. . . but more.

On the light side, that is what I mean.  I don't care if you are a dedicated vegan.  If your grandparents routinely had a hefty Sunday meal of roast beef, potatoes, and finished it off with coffee (and many people did just that), try it for a few weeks running.

Try it.

But beyond that, try something serious.

Did your grandparents always put in a garden?  Put one in. Did one of them go fishing, and not in the weeny "catch and release" way, but in the "I'm eating that" way.  Do it.  Was one a farmer. . . think about farming if you can (which you probably can't, so put in a garden).

And beyond that.

Were your grand parents Italian immigrants and you think that you celebrate that heritage by having lasagna every now and then?  You don't.  Go to Mass for three months in a row.  Were they Romanian?  Well go to the Romanian Orthodox Church three months in a row or the Greek Orthodox or Byzantine Catholic one if you can't find one and see what that's like . . .seriously.  

And are you living a life that your Italian grandmother would have regarded as an infamnia when she was 20. Well knock it and try to live like she did.

With all of this stuff, I think you'll find something. . . and something serious, real, and seriously real.

2.  Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

If you worked your entire life in Dayton, you owe the place something or at least you owe Ohio something.  Don't pick up and move simply because you can when you retire your job at Amalgamated Amalgamated.  If you hated Ohio, you should have left before then.

Okay, family ties, health, etc., all matter.  And I don't have a problem with people moving from Craig to Ranger, or Riverton to Dubois, or Santa Fe to Taos. But we owe where we are from something and to have lived and worked in a region and then to pick up root when we retire and relocate does a double disservice.  It deprives our community of what it gave us, both in resources and in knowledge, and it drops us in a place where we may very well be an economic and cultural menace.

If you retire from Giant Co in Illinois and then buy a farm in Nebraska as a hobby, some young farmer in Nebraska probably won't be able to get a start.  If you wanted to be a farmer you should have tried it prior to that point.  You get the picture.

And frankly, if you stick around and finally pass in your region, people remember you.  And for a long time.  If you pick up and move to Arizona, people forget you, and your obituary in the paper just brings a "I wonder who that was and why they're in our paper?".  Don't fools yourself.  You may have been a big lawyer at big law firm, but if you die some place distant, nobody is going to remember you.

3.  Quite listening to celebrities.

I've posted this before so I'm going to be brief, and frankly extreme.  But I mean it.

If you became famous because you are an entertainer, you forfeited your seriousness card and nobody, and I do mean nobody, should listen to you on anything other than your field. That's it.

Nobody should care one whit what any celebrity says on anything serious matter, whether it be politics or science or a social matter.  Staying famous is the stock and trade of celebrities and no celebrity is ever going to say anything that impairs that.  Ever.  If Nazi Dogs For Injustice became a big deal tomorrow, all celebrities would suddenly be Nazi Dogs For Injustice.

4.  Stop slandering everyone, including public figures you don't know.

An example from, of course, Twitter.

Don Winslow
When lays on the grass the worms beneath him think he has come home for a visit.

Well, "international best seller" author, a lot more people are aware of Sasse and respect him than will every read any of your books, none of which I've heard of, and all of which will be in the bargain bin of the library book sale within five years.

Stating something like this may pass for whit in the 21st Century, but it's awfully close to the infantile school yard taunts of the pre Internet age.  It's easy to imagine Winslow running around with the old "I guess I'll go eat worms" playground chant after a thing like that, but there's a lot of that on Twitter.

5.  Accept that "I feel it", "want it" or "desire it" doesn't make it anything other than an individual feeling, want or desire.

Your own particular desires of any kind don't rise to a level of a societal need that society needs to personally ratify.

They may not even be legitimate.  Just because you want something, no matter how deeply you feel it, doesn't mean its disordered.  Just because you want to eat all the cake, for example, doesn't give you a protected right to do so and it doesn't mean you really should, for a multiplicity of reasons.  And if you do eat it all, that doesn't mean that you have to demand everyone else accept that you ate it and agree that the problems its causing you aren't real problems.

Some Personal

1.  Less posting.

I posted too much this year.

That's for a variety of reasons, none of which is a good reason for posting more in 2021 than any prior year.

I like writing, obviously, but I should be working on my novel.

I'm not going to quit posting, but I do think the 1922 retrospectives will be fewer than the 1921 ones.  Of course, we have 1942 going now . . . 

2.  Get to work on the novel

Says it all.

3.  Don't forget your old friends.

When things get busy, this is too easy to do. And then sooner or later, you are just oen of those old people that everyone has forgotten about.

While this is posted in personal, this is actually a large societal problem in the modern Western world, particularly for men.

4.  Getting outdoors

Speaks for itself, but often very hard to do, as getting outdoors means less time indoors.  As part of that, however, it's time for me to learn to say "no".

Prior and related threads:

A 2020 Holiday Reflection. Part 3 of 3. The Resolute Edition

A 2020 Holiday Reflection. Part 1 of 2, . . . or 3, maybe. The Annus Horribilius Edition

Lex Anteinternet: New Year's Resolutions for Other People

New Year's Resolutions for Other People

Lex Anteinternet: The dog.

Lex Anteinternet: The dog. :    The dog.   I've noted here before that I'm not really a "dog person", which is not to say ...